February Tarot Forecast


Judgement (5 of Wands)  

Free yourself from the friction caused by imaginary strife. How? Realize that nothing is bad, but  your thinking makes it so. It's this thinking that makes you feel stuck. Look deeply at what is troubling you most and you’ll discover that you have room for more movement than you think. The energy you’re wasting on this disruption is precisely what’s needed to solve your dilemma. Even though you’re feeling frustrated, recognize how focusing on what you don’t have instead of focusing on what you want is perpetuating the problem. Where your attention goes, so it grows; where your attention is not, so it rots.

Images from the Tarot de Marseille by Nicolas Conver published by Heron.


Star (7 of Cups)  

Dream the impossible dream… Your imagination is quite fertile this month so feel free to plant seeds of fantasy. Visions may unexpectedly bombard both your waking and dreaming mind, and within them are buried treasures. To reap their value, though, you must discriminate with your rational mind. Find ways to connect with your deeper feelings: listen to music, meditate, walk in nature, and spend quality time with those you care about. Most importantly, have faith  and trust that the language of your images is as essential as that of your logical mind. Strange coincidences can yield favorable results, but only if you let them.

Images from the Visconti Tarots by A.A. Atanassov published by Lo Scarabeo.


Hermit (9 of Cups)  

Quality time is best spent alone, emptying your mind of meaningless mental clutter. After the hustle and bustle of your work week, find time to contemplate your inner world. Purposeful reflection paves the way for you to forge new paths; this is a time for dreaming. You may wish to escape heavy emotions or boredom, but if you can stay with those feelings long enough, you’ll find a place of peace. Avoid the temptation to bury yourself in work or pleasure – stay present and focused. Search your heart for the dreams you’ve overlooked. If you can dream it, you can do it!

Images from the Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Temperance (2 of Wands)  

A conflict you are struggling with has a much easier solution than you currently realize. However, to see this you must refrain from black and white thinking. There is a middle ground that will lead you to personal fulfillment – a middle ground of both positive and negative elements. If you deny your faults, they will follow you forever. Don’t let your pride prevent you from admitting a mistake, even if it costs you something or someone. A strange occurrence around the 21st will inspire new goals – be open to the possibilities regardless of what others think.

Images from the Dream Raven Tarot by Beth Seilonen published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.


Justice (4 of Swords)  

A balanced mind is needed to make big decisions this month. It’s important to separate facts from feelings in order to see things clearly, and if you’re swayed too much in either direction, you’ll prolong this impasse. A problematic situation which arises at the beginning of the month will be resolved by the end, but until then, reserve your judgment. In business matters, issues of fairness will creep into the conversation. You may be admonished for incomplete projects. Be honest about what you can and cannot do. Trying to prove yourself only causes you more stress.

Images from the Healing Tarot: 78 Ways to Wellness by Juno Lucina and Monica Knighton published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.


Emperor (6 of Cups) 

Family matters are at the forefront this month, and how you deal with them says more about you than you realize. You will be expected to take greater initiative and responsibility, and although this may be challenging, the rewards are great. A male figure could provide extra support, but may also try to dominate the situation. It would be wise to turn down any help that comes with a price. Trust your inner authority right now. By the end of the month, the issue should become more manageable and you, in turn, more confident. Make an effort to connect with siblings.

Images from the Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince published by ArnellArt.


Devil (8 of Pentacles) 

All work and no play will certainly not keep the devil away. Face it, you’re doing too much. Take an inventory of your priorities, because it’s likely that you are over-stretching to keep yourself distracted. Examine your affairs and be honest about how you spend your time. You may find that the job you’re in is stifling your passion. Rather than use responsibility as an excuse, express yourself and see what happens. Office politics are likely to cause feelings of frustration. Do your best avoid choosing sides and when you’re feeling stressed, let go and breathe!

Images from the Tarot de Marseille by Nicolas Conver published by Heron.


Death (7 of Pentacles)  

Time to reflect on last years harvest, to choose what to use and what to discard. This is an important time for letting go of relationships, situations and attitudes that no longer serve you. Be careful of how you spend your time and who you spend it with. An important relationship will be tested in an unlikely way; but don’t fight it, your response will yield the result you deserve. Prepare for some hard work ahead when a project you take on this month has more to it than you realize. Once all is said and done, though, there’s much to be gained.

Images from the Visconti Tarots by A.A. Atanassov published by Lo Scarabeo.


Moon (8 of Cups)  

The past always has an odd way of showing up in the present, particularly when feelings are intense. This month, an emotional situation may trigger some of your forgotten tendencies – that is to say, behaviors you thought you had left behind. You cannot avoid facing the reality of this situation no matter how much you deny it. Something or someone will likely bring out the worst in you. Though your judgment may be thwarted, you ultimately make the decisions, and in the end you are the only one to blame. Denial might seem easier now, but will only lead to harder times.

Images from the Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Hanged Man (King of Cups) 

A great paradox in life is that what you resist persists. In your refusal to accept a situation or person, you inadvertently commit yourself to the charge of that feeling. Emotions are full of energy and energy cannot be destroyed; it can, however, be changed. A seemingly hopeless situation offers a catalyst for growth, but to take advantage of it, you must be willing let go of your defenses and excuses. There’s a lot of movement in this surrender, specifically pertaining to your perspective. Don’t look at things as a problem; look at them as a puzzle. 

Images from the Dream Raven Tarot by Beth Seilonen published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.


Hierophant (10 of Cups) 

A situation in the family calls for a careful examination of your priorities. Although circumstances are emotionally charged, you must maintain a dispassionate view of things. Certainly family concerns take priority, but when they begin to interfere with other important obligations, you need to reassess. Your involvement in family matters may also distract you from accomplishing other tasks. Be sure to balance your own responsibilities with those of others; codependent behaviors will thwart your efforts if you’re not attentive. Be aware of legal matters around the 7th and don’t try rescuing anyone.

Images from the Healing Tarot: 78 Ways to Wellness by Juno Lucina and Monica Knighton published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.


Lovers (2 of Cups)  

Relationships weigh heavily on your heart and mind: how to get out of one, and/or get in another; how to salvage difficult ones and honor important ones. If you consider that all relationships are reflections of you, and your hidden tendencies, you may want to look at how each person affects you. Ask yourself what their energy adds to your life — or what it deprives you of. It’s also important to respect your own boundaries and not lose yourself trying to please someone else. Look for a confession around the full moon. This will quickly dissolve your illusions about someone close.

Images from the Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince published by ArnellArt.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2014 Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com