March 2010 Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta

This month's TarotScopes feature six different decks.  Each deck is used twice.  See the individual scopes for identification and publisher. - Ed.


Temperance (3 of Cups) 

Patience is more than a virtue; it is a necessity for managing the currents of life. Even in your most emotional moments, you can draw upon this energy to find peace. Patience is not aimless waiting; it is mindful awareness of the right moment. Your emotions will get the best of you this month if you react without that awareness. Stay in the moment and observe the changing tides before launching out unknowingly. An exciting circumstance around the 16th may tempt you to go looking for the pot of gold. Enjoy the moment and move on.

Images used are from the Baroque Bohemian Cats Tarot 2nd Edition created by Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov (Magic Realist Press).


Lovers (3 of Swords) 

Relationships are best experienced between two individuals; however, to your dismay, that will not be the case this month. You will find that a connection you are trying to make is interrupted by an outside influence. If this is a person, it is likely they will interfere with your channel of communication. Do your best to ensure that what you say is being understood. In terms of an important decision, get ready for an unexpected detour. What you think you want will be challenged by an annoying factor around the middle of the month. Be flexible! 

Images used are from the Quest Tarot created by Joseph Ernest Martin and published by Llewellyn Worldwide.


Hierophant (6 of Cups) 

Have you ever considered how much of your perspective contains residue of your past? Your emotional memory was storing information long before the logical mind could process it. As a result, many of your beliefs are founded upon memories that were never logical. If you don’t challenge your emotional thoughts, you will inevitably find experiences to reinforce them. This feedback loop keeps you locked in primitive and reflexive thought patterns. Create a new philosophy to live by instead of tolerating a “that’s just the way I am” mentality. Someone you have respected in the past comes back into your life around the 20th.

Images used are from the Liber-T (Tarot of Stars Eternal), copyright Lo Scarabeo, Torino.  USA distribution through Llewellyn Worldwide.


World (6 of Wands) 

Recognition can come in different forms and for many reasons. This month your receive something equivalent to a standing ovation. You deserve to be recognized for your efforts and so you will be. If professionally focused, your acclaim could be a promotion, raise or bonus. If relationship focused, you receive adoration and praise. If personally focused, you have accomplished a private goal that brings with it a sense of deep satisfaction and a new perspective on your place in the world. Your world-view is an extension of your self-view; if you want to change the world, begin with yourself.

Images used are from the Napo Tarot, created by Betty Lopez and designed by Napo. Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Sun (Ace of Cups) 

A deep feeling of self-confidence permeates your month as you find ways to express your truest feelings. This doesn’t imply only rainbows and sunshine; in fact, your courage to speak up for yourself may shock others. Don’t be surprised if something you say  resurrects an issue you thought was dead. Trust yourself.   Confidence derived from external acceptance is, at best, fleeting; self-acceptance, on the other hand, offers liberation from the obsession to please. Take note of situations in which you sacrifice your integrity for the sake of approval. Around the 25th, an emotional experience will call for celebration.

Images used are from the Zodiac Tarot, copyright Lo Scarabeo, Torino.  USA distribution through Llewellyn Worldwide.


Emperor (Page of Wands) 

The competing forces of freedom and responsibility seem to be the common theme this month. You growing restlessness only exacerbates your frustration with obligations. Before throwing caution to the wind or restricting childlike impulses, find ways to give each their deserved expression. Be the parent to your inner child, but have fun too. In the area of work, allow your imagination to lead; then bring this new vision to your current projects. An important someone may reward you for this creativity. An exciting message arriving at the end of the month will lead to an adventure.

Images used are from the Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals published by AGM AGMuller Urania.


Wheel of Fortune (10 of Pentacles) 

A productive phase has either delivered results you are satisfied with, or inspired you to pursue something even bigger. You are in a wonderful place of growth and opportunity; to make the most of it, you will really need to focus your energy. Half-hearted goals or unformed visions could produce distorted outcomes. If you have been struggling, your diligence will pay off (assuming you’ve been diligent) in the form of greater stability or a monetary reward. Circumstances regarding real estate or an inheritance will arise at the beginning of the month; by month end, things should be very interesting.

Images used are from the Baroque Bohemian Cats Tarot 2nd Edition created by Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov (Magic Realist Press).


Death (7 of Pentacles) 

Out with old and in with new. There’s no better time to cut away the excessive foliage and make space for new growth. During this transition, it would be wise to assess your possessions, not in terms of their worth, rather in terms of why you value them as such. If you cling to things out of obligation or for security, they will only stunt your growth. Worn out objects, relationships and attitudes must also be discarded in this process. A situation you’ve put a lot of effort into will finally yield results during the first week of the month.

Images used are from the Quest Tarot created by Joseph Ernest Martin and published by Llewellyn Worldwide.


Justice (Page of Pentacles) 

A thorough examination of your goals will lead to clearer objectives. While faced with questions about resources, finances and skills, you must rely upon your own dispassionate views. It can be challenging not to give in to societal pressures of success, especially in a system that places value on what you do over who you are. You may consider how higher education, specialized training or other ambitious aims will provide the experience you need to make changes in your life. However, be sure to honor how this information adds to the quality of your life. Legal issues around the 5th need your attention.

Images used are from the Liber-T (Tarot of Stars Eternal), copyright Lo Scarabeo, Torino.  USA distribution through Llewellyn Worldwide.


Empress (Ace of Swords) 

The creative force of your mind can be used to bring harmony to a seemingly hectic situation. Your inner authority must rely more upon the feminine energy of reconciliation. Heart-centered strategies are more apt to be accepted. If you try to force your own agenda, you will evoke a battle. Take your time to create a plan, but then be decisive in your actions – vacillating will cause others to assume you are incompetent. Issues related to motherhood arise around the 10th. This brings up important lessons about how to nurture yourself and others.

Images used are from the Napo Tarot, created by Betty Lopez and designed by Napo. Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


High Priestess (6 of Swords) 

Something hidden will be revealed and whether this is connected to you or another person, the appearance will provoke new movement. Fear of the unknown causes anxiety, yet when you try to avoid uncomfortable feelings, you move further away from a clear solution. The chaos in the background will likely simmer down after the 8th; it would behoove you to mindfully face the situation. If possible, take a short trip to clear your mind. New information about your job will prompt you to make a difficult decision – do you stay or do you go?

Images used are from the Zodiac Tarot, copyright Lo Scarabeo, Torino.  USA distribution through Llewellyn Worldwide.


Fool (Page of Cups) 

After painful emotional experiences, the common reaction is to try to avoid them in the future. And, although learning from your mistakes often means that you don’t repeat them, losing trust in yourself and being skeptical of others only alienates you from healing past pains. Pain is often a companion to the pleasure of love, but by being over-protective of your feelings, you deprive yourself of love’s full experience. Take a risk, be vulnerable, open your heart and speak from that place of sensitivity. If you’re in a long-term relationship, you will also benefit from forgiving and moving on.

Images used are from the Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals published by AGM AGMuller Urania.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. 

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2010

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