March Tarot Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta



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Emperor (6 of Wands) 

Your hard work and determination will be recognized this month. Kudos may come in the form of a promotion, raise or some wonderful gift. If you’ve been working on a plan or project that’s somehow dependent on the opinion or approval of another person, now is the time to seek that approval. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how positively it’s received. This is also an excellent time to express your appreciation to all the hard-working people in your life. Be generous with your compliments and be sure to let them know how proud you are of them.

Images from Tarot of the New Vision by Pietro Alligo with artwork by Raul and Gianluca Cestaro, published by Lo Scarabeo for Llewellyn Worldwide.



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Judgment (King of Swords) 

A burst of new energy inspires you to move in a more intentional direction. But, you must be the one calling the shots and taking the necessary risks in this process. Hesitation or procrastination is only an excuse. This is a serious time to evaluate your current position in life. An important person whom you respect could provide a more objective perspective, if you ask. Do not hesitate in pursuing matters that relate to business, and be shrewd in all your dealings. If something slips through the cracks this month, there will be a big price to pay.

Images from Hexen Tarot 2.0 by Suzanne Treister and published by Black Dog Publishing.



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Moon (6 of Pentacles) 

The gift you received last month may include strings you were not aware were attached; or, that great opportunity could become more like a thorn in your side. Careful consideration is required as you readjust your routine. Be prudent not to take on more than you can handle, as you’re probably close to your limit. Guard against the desire to save others. If you’re feeling drained by your commitments and your energy is waning, spiritual pursuits can revitalize to you. If possible, take a journey – even if it’s an imagined one through some form of meditation or guided imagery.

Images from Beautiful Creatures Tarot by J.r. Rivera artwork by Jasmine Becket-Griffith, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.


Magician (10 of Cups) 


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An emotional situation in your life begins to settle into something more realistic and manageable. New options suddenly reveal fresh potentials. If you are newly separated or on the verge of separation, this period is designed for you to re-discover who you are as a single person. For you singles, hold off getting too serious this month as there’s more to appreciate about being on your own then you might imagine. A synchronistic encounter around the Full Moon on the 5th is the message you’ve been praying for; pay attention and don’t brush it off as a coincidence!

Images from Tarot of the New Vision by Pietro Alligo with artwork by Raul and Gianluca Cestaro, published by Lo Scarabeo for Llewellyn Worldwide.


Strength (Queen of Wands) 


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True strength cannot be measured by force, but rather by grace and humility. Your feelings are powerful allies that can be channeled in directions that ultimately change your life. This month will offer an experience that challenges your faith, and though you may question the path you’re on, it would be wise to trust the divine plan. Replace feelings of fear with self-love and devotion, and instead of self- criticism, assess your past dilemmas for the resulting triumphs or lessons. You have the remarkable ability to see beauty through gloom. Now perform your magic.

Images from Hexen Tarot 2.0 by Suzanne Treister and published by Black Dog Publishing.


Hierophant (2 of Swords) 


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Peace of mind may have been in short supply last month, but the tide has changed and so will your mindset. The first thing to do is to get off your throne, couch, or chair and get moving. Explore different spaces, both internally and externally. There is an emphasis on learning, so it’s a great time to connect with mentally or spiritually stimulating people, activities or studies. Someone you least expect will offer answers to the questions you’ve been asking. This is not a time to overanalyze the meaning of events – it’s a time to give meaning to the events.

Images from Beautiful Creatures Tarot by J.r. Rivera artwork by Jasmine Becket-Griffith, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.


Temperance (Ace of Wands) 


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Your timing couldn’t be better as you seize the perfect moment for starting over. A seemingly unsuccessful project you’ve been involved with is primed and ready to be revisited. It is as if the missing ingredient falls out of the sky and into your hands. Notice your creative insights and allow them to move you without judging them. Most importantly, express yourself as if all eyes are on you. A surprise awaits you at the end of the month. A passionate heart will lead you into territory you were once afraid to explore. Are you ready?

Images from Tarot of the New Vision by Pietro Alligo with artwork by Raul and Gianluca Cestaro, published by Lo Scarabeo for Llewellyn Worldwide.


Devil (Page of Pentacles) 


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Let go of your inhibitions, now is the time to show others who you really are on the inside. Though you may still feel a bit withdrawn, don’t retreat. Use your talents to free yourself from self –imposed restraints. Seek comfort through an active form of expression like writing, hiking, or cooking. As you connect with the countless forces within, you give birth to several new aspects of your personality. Your goal is to embrace yourself as you are. A mistake around the 1st will be corrected by the end of the month, so don’t jump to any conclusions until then.   

Images from Hexen Tarot 2.0 by Suzanne Treister and published by Black Dog Publishing.


Lovers (4 of Wands) 


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It’s celebration time for you this month! A special relationship has a put big smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart. Potential was brewing a few months ago, now there are some exciting feelings, and in the near future, things may get even more serious. The end of the month could bring a proposal that’s too good to pass up. If not relationship oriented, a recent change in another part of your life has brought about significant and beneficial results. The sacrifice you made last September has paid off, and you’ll receive considerable recognition.

Images from Beautiful Creatures Tarot by J.r. Rivera artwork by Jasmine Becket-Griffith, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.


Justice (Knight of Cups) 


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An aspect of your life that carries a heavy emotional toll needs to be analyzed a little more carefully and a lot more honestly. You may find that a situation or relationship you’re enamored with is not as clear or simple as you’d like. Although you want to follow your heart, you may be painfully reminded of this truth when your castle dissolves into the sand. Be especially objective when presented with things that seem too good to be true. It’s only when you’re honest with yourself that others can be honest with you too.

Images from Tarot of the New Vision by Pietro Alligo with artwork by Raul and Gianluca Cestaro, published by Lo Scarabeo for Llewellyn Worldwide.


Hanged Man (8 of Wands)


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A fresh perspective in a certain area of your life is emerging after an extended struggle or delay. Through this trial of inactivity, you may have realized that sometimes what you expect doesn’t come true, and other times, you simply need to step back enough to see the bigger picture. If you can apply this concept to all areas of your life, you’ll see that anything is possible. If you’re in need of a special dose of inspiration, you may want to go on a vacation; a change of scenery can open your eyes to the brilliance in your life and in yourself. 

Images from Hexen Tarot 2.0 by Suzanne Treister and published by Black Dog Publishing.


Hermit (Ace of Pentacles)


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Time alone can often be the best way of finding answers. Within the silence of your own solitude, you’re better able to hear the advice of your inner voice. Feeling empty and dissatisfied is a good reason to search for deeper meaning in something greater than yourself. This month a work opportunity for future growth, finance and/or health will prompt you to focus more on what you want to achieve. See what’s in your heart, not just in your mind, and keep the desire to yourself. The Spring will bring the results you seek. And remember, if you’re vague, then your desired outcome will be too.

Images from Beautiful Creatures Tarot by J.r. Rivera artwork by Jasmine Becket-Griffith, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2015 Questions? Comments? Contact us at