April Message from the Frolicking Fae

By Terri C.
Based on meditations using Amy Brown’s Faery Wisdom deck

April is the time to conduct a little self-evaluating.  Examine how you are treating others, and also examine how they are treating you.  Be aware of the labels you put on people.  By labeling someone too quickly, you may miss out on an opportunity to spend time with an amazing and unique person.  Also, take a look at how you are labeling yourself.  Remember, you can change this any time you choose.  Wear something different, change your posture, get a new haircut.

April is also a good time to examine your boundaries.  Are you too closed off and are not allowing for all of the good that can come your direction?   Also, double check if you are crossing anyone else’s boundaries.  This can happen at the subconscious level, so please, do take a very close look at this.

Spend some time this month doing some soul searching, especially when looking for advice.  The answer is inside you.  Don’t rely heavily on the advice of others during this time.

Instead, turn your phone off, light a candle, sit in a comfy chair, close your eyes, and imagine yourself on a garden path, on a bright, sunny, warm day.  Take your time here and enjoy the fragrant, floral scents.  Hear the stream off to your left; take a moment and slip your feet into the cool water.  Notice how the water has polished the stones; they are smooth under your feet.  When you are ready, move farther down the path.  You walk under a white trellis.  Notice that there are grapes growing there.  Relax; feel comfortable.  Off to the right, there is a gazebo.  Climb the steps.  Someone is waiting for you there.  It is your higher self.  Take some time and get to know this being.  Ask for advice regarding your current situation.  Know that you can come back here any time you want, whenever you are ready to return.  Thank your higher self for visiting with you.  Go back down the gazebo steps, back under the trellis, and back down the garden path.

Write yourself a love letter this month!  Celebrate YOU!

I know that spring has just arrived, but the Fae want you to put your focus on summer already!  They want you to take a look at your diet and exercise program.  Now is the time to eat right and get into shape for those bathing suit months.  They are saying, “Start now!  Today!”  I don’t think they are going to take no for an answer here.

For anyone that is having trouble “grounding” this month, go outside, take your shoes off, and step into a mud puddle.  Squeeze the mud with your toes!  Instant grounding!

Be aware that towards the end of the month, you may be projecting a bit of an attitude.  If you find that others are treating you with indifference, take a look in the mirror and see what you are projecting.  It may not be the most positive attitude, so find a way to soften what you are projecting onto others.

I hope that this message from the Fae helps guide you through the ups and downs of April!  Remember to say a special little thank you to our Fae Friends for the guidance, insight, and entertainment!

See you again next month, and keep the faith!

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Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2008
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