Musings on the Fool

By Lalia Wilson

The Fool Mystical Cats Tarot 20190328 0001

Mystical Cats Tarot by Lunaea Weatherstone,
art by Mickie Mueller, published by Llewellyn.

The first Trump, # 0, is the fool, the seeker, the apprentice, the initiate, the novice who is beginning a life journey of lessons and perhaps a spiritual awakening. 

Since it is spring here in the northern hemisphere, The Fool seems to fit the season. Think back to your school days. Was it not during spring that most of the stupid acts happened? TPing the principal’s house? Taking a car without permission and going on a joyride? Inviting everyone over for a party that weekend your parents were out of town?

The Fool Science Tarot 20190328 0001

The Science Tarot created by a collaboration of scientists, tarot readers,
designers and artists. More information can be found at

To be young is to be foolish. We want things to happen, but we don’t want to wait, or to work for our rewards. We are just starting to see the consequences for our actions. In the case of the joyride, an acquaintance of mine had his teenage son take a car for a joyride. He and two buddies hotwired a fancy ride, and went around the local area, which, since they lived near the state line, involved crossing the state line. Before they were apprehended, at which time the car was damaged, several law enforcement departments in different cities and states were involved. It was grand theft auto, resisting arrest, damage to property, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor (all boys were under 18). It was also highly embarrassing to my friend, a college professor. 

The Fool Hexen2.0 Tarot 20190328 0001

The Hexen 2.0, by Suzanne Treister,
published by Black Dog Publishing

The Major Arcana Fool has similar energy. We see the potential for a little adventure, which does not look like it will harm anyone. “Hey, that car’s just sitting there waiting to be used.” And before you know it, things have escalated to a really bad situation, with big lawyer bills, large expenses to the parents of the three adventurers, and the possible loss of jobs for one or more parents. So too, the Fool inserts a whole new concept, Uranian-style, without regard to the law or social convention. Do we quickly step on the scooter or avoid making changes? 

The Fool’s purpose is to spark our curiosity and wanderlust. How can we try something new this spring? 

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - 2019  Questions? Comments? Contact us at