May Tarot Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta



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Moon (8 of Swords) 

You may be feeling trapped by a deep sense of anxiety. It may feel like you’re doomed to face results you aren’t ready for. Although there may be no obvious reason for this emotional mayhem, it might relieve you to know that this, too, will pass. Right now, your journey is to venture into the dark places, recall the painful memories, and move beyond the residue of the past. There is meaning in the bewilderment of your journey, but to gain that wisdom, you must be willing to sit with the discomfort. This month, things that seem too good to be true are just that!

Images from the Celtic Tarot illustrated by Courtney Davis with book by Helena Paterson.



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High Priestess (4 of Pentacles) 

You may need to shift your perspective: from relying on your conscious thoughts or material resources to trusting your intuitive, emotional sensations. Although it may sometimes feel like physical effort and rational problem solving is more effective than spiritual trust, there is actually a much stronger force within you that you’re always capable of tapping into. Begin by withdrawing from the activity of everyday events, with detachment, you can realign with your inner self. This is not a good time for any extravagant purchases. You may also want to take caution around loans or other financial documents.

Images from the Steampunk Tarot self-published by Charissa Drengsen.



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Lovers (8 of Wands) 

You may be dealing with the consequences of an impetuous decision you made in the recent past. Whether good or bad is not the point, but rather what motivated your choice in the first place. Own up to any mistakes and the outcome will be lighter. A steamy attraction could easily lead you down a path you least expect. Keep in mind every choice has a consequence even if no one finds out. This is a great time to ignite passion in the area of your life that might be lacking. Be adventurous and surprise that special someone.

Images from the Pathfinder's Tarot published by Duncan Baird Publishers.



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Tower (King of Wands)

Beliefs based on a fallacy begin to waver and will inevitably crumble.  Unfortunately, the fall that results from this web of misconceptions is necessary for further growth. Beginning as a slight suspicion, your crisis of faith could evolve into a total breakdown. Truth hidden under the illusion of security always shatters the ego. In order to change your vision of life, you must eradicate old habits and erase conditioning. There is no blending the old with the new. The wake-up call around the 27th is the catalyst to overcoming your self-deception. Self-knowledge is more powerful than pride. 

Images from The Son Tarot by Christopher Butler, published by Schiffer Publishing.



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Justice (Knight of Cups) 

An aspect of your life that carries a heavy emotional tone needs to be analyzed more carefully and honestly. You may find that a situation you are enamored with is not as clear as you wish it to be. Although you want to follow your heart, you may be painfully reminded of how complex it is - as your castles dissolve into the sand. Be objective when dealing with things that seem too good to be true.  Shine light on the dark corners of your own illusions and see yourself as you really are. Resist the temptation to be charmed by flattery. 

Images from the Shadowscapes Tarot created by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, published by Llewellyn Worldwide.



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World (Ace of Wands) 

Within every seed lies the blueprint of existence and through your intention and attention, you give birth to the process called life. Inspiration entices you to aspire for more than you expect. You trust that what seems like a vision, is actually a reality. While in the stages of a new phase, it’s important to plant seeds you truly desire then tend to them completely.  Half-wanted desires produce diseased crops. Universal principals will guide you so long as you remain active in the process and detach from the outcome. Give yourself to life and it will embrace you with all its beauty.

Images from the Celtic Tarot illustrated by Courtney Davis with book by Helena Paterson.



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Sun (9 of Pentacles) 

Confidence must be recognized and honored both in yourself and in others. If you don’t believe in yourself, how will anyone else? Developing a deeper awareness of your Self requires that you become less dependent upon what you have and more concerned with who you are. By the middle of the month, you will uncover a brilliant treasure – one that cannot be destroyed, but can most certainly be employed. If you have been thinking about a career change, a major move, or a risky business venture, now is your time to strike! Let your conscience be your guide.

Images from the Steampunk Tarot self-published by Charissa Drengsen.



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Devil (Knight of Wands) 

Notice how your problems have made you a prisoner, locked away inside yourself, in a world of self-created contradictions. Although you may feel chained to a situation and too ashamed to admit desperation, ask yourself what behavior, thought or feeling this brings out in you. This is your reality; fighting against it or blaming or persecuting others will only hold you hostage. Use this sobering opportunity to change your ways and become conscious of how and where you’ve been acting against your own convictions. Around the 10th, you’ll be challenged to face a fear – don’t run away!

Images from the Pathfinder's Tarot published by Duncan Baird Publishers.



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Hermit (3 of Wands) 

Time alone is often the best remedy for recovery. Within the silence of solitude, you can clearly hear the wisdom of your inner voice. Feelings of emptiness often provoke a search for deeper meaning. If you can reach beyond the uncomfortable feelings, you have the opportunity for real personal growth. However, you must first focus on what you want to achieve. Clarify your goals and find authentic ways to express yourself. Speak from the depths of your being. The Full Moon on the 27th brings a night of mystery. Allow yourself to wander off the beaten path and discover something intriguing.

Images from The Son Tarot by Christopher Butler, published by Schiffer Publishing.



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Emperor (9 of Swords)

A sense of anxiety could be the cause of feeling out of sorts. Refrain from judging yourself and others as it only leads to separateness. It may be helpful to explore and acknowledge your resentments. Many times, unresolved issues from the past trigger reactions in the present. Pay attention to the areas in which you feel disempowered and find something positive to replace your negative thinking. It’s likely your fears carry more weight than they’re worth. A power struggle around the 6th provokes an extreme level of anxiety. Be wise about how you project yourself – you’ll receive what you put out. 

Images from the Steampunk Tarot self-published by Charissa Drengsen.



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Fool (3 of Cups)

Feelings of contentment make flowers smell sweeter, food taste better, and people seem rosier.  If you follow your instinct to preserve that status quo this month, you maybe lose the chance to develop something deeper. Shaking things up may feel risky, but rather than resting on your laurels, this is your moment to take a chance on something less predictable.  If you’ve been standing on the threshold of some new idea or experience waiting for the right time to jump, here it is. You’ll be amazed at the results, and will indeed have another reason to celebrate.

Images from the Shadowscapes Tarot created by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, published by Llewellyn Worldwide.



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Magician (Knight of Pentacles)

It’s time to take action and make the most of your talents. You’re in a favorable spot to manifest your vision. Potentials emerge around the 4th, awaiting your application.  Be confident enough to creatively work a situation to your advantage. If you don’t seize this opportunity with determination, the window may close and you’ll be stuck on the outside looking in. Remain humble in your pursuits and respect how everyone plays an intricate role in the story of your life.  Remember though, only you have the power and ability to create your destiny.

Images from The Son Tarot by Christopher Butler and published by Schiffer Publishing.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2013 Questions? Comments? Contact us at