Ribbon Magic

By Terri Clement

Ribbon Magic is a simple way to manifest many wonderful things.

Simply write your intentions on ribbon and then tie them in trees outside and let the wind carry your intentions to the Universe!

You might choose to use color to enhance your intentions and wishes.

White - Light, Goodness, Protection, Beginnings, Understanding
Red - Energy, Strength, Power, Courage
Orange - Excitement, Fun, Action
Yellow - Cheerfulness, Happiness, Joy, Optimism
Green - Harmony, Safetly, Balance, Growth, Health
Blue - Loyalty, Trust, Stability, Confidence
Purple - Luxury, Creativity, Ambition
Pink - Caring, Hope, Sensitivity, Friendship
Black - Strength, Wealth, Style

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - 2018  Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com