June's Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta

The June TarotScopes features the cards of the Traumzeit-Tarot by Stefan Beckhusen, available on his website, www.traumzeit-tarot.de. Copyright (c) 2008 Stefan Beckhusen.  All images used with permission.



Strength (8 of Swords) Areas in life that feel stagnant have more potential than you realize; if you accept your circumstances, you’ll regain your momentum.  Your restrictions are self-imposed and are the result of misplaced ideals.  Re-examine your lofty goals and see how they have become a hindrance rather than an asset.  You may be ignoring your own authority, projecting it onto something outside you.  The most important lessons are those in which you overcome yourself.  Find resolve in accomplishments from the past.  After the 25th, your challenges will begin to dissipate; take advantage and make a move.



Devil (Page of Pentacles) Let go of your inhibitions; now is the time to show others who you really are on the inside.  Though you may still feel a bit introverted, don’t retreat.  Use your talents to free yourself from self-imposed restraints.  Seek comfort through an active form of expression like writing, hiking, or cooking.  As you connect with the countless forces within, you give birth to several new aspects of your being.  A mistake around the 1st will be corrected by the end of the month, so don’t jump to any conclusions until then. 



Star (4 of Cups) Bona fide opportunities can be a rare gift.  Be conscious not to shrug off what seems familiar and comfortable.  Even the best relationships require maintenance, so be extra careful not to overlook the blessings you have.  Another’s validation means more to you than you know - admit this to yourself and ask for what you want.  Tremendous creativity will surround everything that you do, so welcome this change and give it space to grow; it could lead you to a very surprising reward.  The new moon bestows extra sensory powers - use them wisely!



Justice (10 of Pentacles) Take inventory of what you value, then ask yourself what matters most - be honest about your priorities and how you invest your time.  Is work taking away from your family, or is your family interfering with the pursuit of your dreams?  Be honest about the excuses you give yourself; it’s always easier to blame the situation than to accept responsibility for actions.  Sometimes being brutally objective forces you to remove the mask and face the mirror.  For those involved in legal matters or other business arrangements, you may be pleasantly rewarded around the 5th.    



Tower (Page of Swords) Emotions run high as you come to terms with managing all aspects of your life.  Don’t stretch yourself too thin.  Strong convictions may be tested, as your loyalty is questioned and you are accused of something you didn’t do.  Earth-shattering revelations on the weekend of the 7th may be the cause of upheaval in your environment.  Don’t believe everything you hear and likewise watch your tongue - gossip tends to be a double-edged sword.  Relying on a confidant’s or partner’s opinion will cause future trouble; make your own assessments!



Moon (9 of Cups) If you’re willing to be in the dark, then you’re more than up to the challenge.  Don’t let uncertainty be your downfall - trust your instincts.  Your dreams are not all that unattainable, but an unbiased second look will help you take steps in the right direction.  Support and positive energy will bring you closer to your goals.  Beware of people who promise too much, as their intentions are not as pure as you think!  You may feel the need to escape around the 9th, so be sure to do so in a healthy way. 



World (Knight of Swords) A chaotic situation seems to come full circle as the problems of the past make a reappearance.  However, what once seemed uncontrollable is now near resolution - act strategically or it may lead to further turmoil.  Stay flexible and alert, for the ground is still unsettled; too much movement will attract conflict.  There is a definite resolution, but you must be willing to confront your pessimistic attitude.  A bitter wind blows through around the 11th.  Don’t let yourself be provoked by petty banter or gossip, as it could lead to trouble in an otherwise solid relationship.  



Hierophant (Queen of Wands) Life suddenly feels accelerated as inspiration leads you on a new adventure.  Searching for answers, you will discover that what you really want is to be recognized, honored, and respected.  Situations not providing this will threaten your sense of security.  Your conventional attitude is preventing your innovative spirit from soaring.  Allow yourself freedom to explore your dreams, because your imagination really is an instrument of divine will.  A captivating person will enter your life around the 14th.  Don’t be surprised if their passion charms you into taking a risk.



Sun (7 of Wands) This is your moment in the spotlight - use all your talents to build the stage you’ve always wanted to stand upon.  Have the courage to be who you are: trim the edges that no longer define you and bring light to the areas that have been in the shadows.  Allow the new and improved you to be seen and admired.  Set serious goals that support the person you want to be, and trust your inner strength to guide you in the best direction.  Healthy competition the week of the 16th will inspire a new passion or love interest.



Hermit (King of Swords) The time has never been better for you to begin unfolding your plan.  Visit a quiet place during the full moon where you can be alone and listen to your inner voice.  Use this time to release emotional and mental stress.  Be careful to not isolate yourself, even unknowingly, from those who wish to help.  Fantasy ideals and unrealistic standards will only serve to distance you further from what you truly seek.  Pay close attention to a person that you hold in high esteem, because they have words of wisdom you’ve been waiting to hear. 



Magician (7 of Cups) It has been said, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you’ve imagined,” and, “Your dreams will come true if you have the courage to pursue them.”  You have the power to create your own life no matter how fantastic it may be; however, you must be willing to make deliberate choices to support that vision.  Confusion will give way to clarity as you recognize your own potential - get out of your own way and do what’s necessary to make it happen.  The weekend of the 21st is a magical time when anything is possible!



Death (3 of Pentacles) You are beginning a new chapter in both family and career.  Your productivity and concentration are at a peak during this transitional phase, so make sure you express yourself though positive outlets: maybe an old hobby that you put on the back burner, or a new one you’ve always thought about trying.  Focus on synthesis: a new project at work, or collaborating with others.  Involving your lover in your plans will bring you closer together.  The week of the 23rd is an excellent time to finalize your plans, but don’t be surprised if the plans totally change!

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors.  

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2008 

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