July Tarot Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta



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Star (8 of Wands) 

You will be swept off your feet this month as the energy of your heart looks for an outlet. For those who have recently braved an emotional storm, calmness is within reach. Be kind to yourself and trust that you have developed new inner resources. With confidence restored, your enthusiasm inspires new energy and brilliant ideas. Get in touch with your deepest desires then find ways to manifest them. Love is in the air, just in time for a Summer romance! Take a risk and express your feelings for that special someone. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Images are from the Hexen 2.0 Tarot by Suzanne Treister and published by Black Dog Publishing.



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Chariot (4 of Cups) 

Action for the sake of action is not always the best use of your energy. It can sometimes be a way to distract you from your feelings. Although this month is about movement, it must be controlled and deliberate movement. Don’t let apathy be the cause of premature action. Sit with your feelings long enough to hear the messages. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll realize that goals pursued for the sake of ego gratification are shallow, temporary and only yield short-term benefits. The goal of this movement should be Self examination – a rich journey within.

Images are from the Tarot of the Thousand and One Nights by Leon Carre and published by Lo Scarabeo for Llewellyn Worldwide.



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Death (Queen of Pentacles) 

Although life is full of numerous opportunities for re-creating yourself, people tend to hold on to their favorite roles.  Children learn behaviors that are either enforced through praise or reprimand. This standard influences how you relate to the world; behaviors become masks that when identified with too strongly, separate you from your true essence. Consequently, during major transitions or crises, these facades are stripped away, exposing new and sometimes uncomfortable parts of you. It’s time to shed those extra pounds and let go of the stifling roles. You’re so much more than what you give yourself credit for.

Images are from the Lowbrow Tarot and the Silver Era Tarot (respectively) by Aunia Kahn and Russell J. Moon,  published by Schiffer Publishing.



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Temperance (5 of Pentacles)

Life is a delicate balance in which you’re constantly readjusting your position and perspective.  It’s often difficult to feel peaceful when transfixed by fear, particularly when that fear revolves around security or thoughts of what you’re “supposed to” do. If your worries didn’t contaminate your intentions, you’d be able to see the natural harmony in all things. You wouldn’t mistake opposition for obstacles or become victim to your grievances. Although some things may be more challenging than others, rather than focusing on what you don’t have, remember what you do have! Adopt an attitude of gratitude, and each time you find yourself in an awkward position, try again.

Images are from the Omaggio a Erte published for the Edizioni Del Solleone.



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Moon (Ace of Cups) 

Are you ready to take the plunge? This month promises an ocean of emotion. The dilemma however, is that you won’t be able to clearly understand what all this is about. Either you’re blinded by illusions of fantasy or bewildered by confusing emotions. The goal is to find balance through this without removing yourself from experiencing the unknown. Losing control from time-to-time can help open your heart to deeper experiences of self-trust. Just be aware though that too much dreaminess leads to delusion. As tempting as it may be, don’t cling to your emotions; be the observer.

Images from the Steampunk Tarot self-published by Charissa Drengsen.



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Tower (4 of Pentacles) 

Naturally, you add a great deal of yourself to what you do, attaching personal value to what you achieve or don’t achieve. When your accomplishments in the outer world are the only measure of your personal worth, you’re easily subject to disappointment. Material fulfillment is temporary, when it’s gone so is your sense of accomplishment. Loss therefore is an inescapable lesson in the school of hard knocks. This month, ask yourself if what you’re giving your energy to is worth it. If it is, great – you’ll be satisfied. If not, there’s certain to be a collapse of more than just your ego.

Images are from the Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Emperor (Knight of Cups) 

Power is not something that can be measured by status or possessions, control is not simply the result of managing your environment, and intelligence has more to do with your heart than your mind. A recent shift in the direction you’re heading, whether internal or external, will provide a new sense of inspiration. It’s up to you to act on this. It’s important to follow your dreams right now and trust that your vision will not lead you astray. Focus more upon spiritual matters than worldly concerns and you’ll discover a reservoir of untapped creativity that can be utilized for future gain. 

Images are from the Hexen 2.0 Tarot by Suzanne Treister and published by Black Dog Publishing.



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Wheel of Fortune (6 of Wands) 

Lady Luck turned the wheel and landed on your number! However, this is not a stroke of random luck as much as a personal victory. Something you’ve put in motion has earned you a moment of glory. On a deeper level, this breakthrough will help you change the patterns of your behavior, thereby changing your fate. You’ll reap the most benefits from this change by staying as present as possible in your daily life. Don’t be dismayed by old fears or negative beliefs; there’s no room for blaming now. Be proud – you are the architect of your destiny!

Images are from the Tarot of the Thousand and One Nights by Leon Carre and published by Lo Scarabeo for Llewellyn Worldwide.



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High Priestess (7 of Cups) 

Truth will soon be revealed. Act kindly and calmly; even if you’re the one who’s committed the offense. This is not the time to lose your cool as there will be irreparable consequences for not accepting responsibility. It’s better to take care of unfinished business then it is store up resentments. If you’re on the other side and find yourself wounded by someone else’s misdeed, hold strong to your boundaries but don’t be too proud to forgive. When it comes to your job, things are not as they seem so trust your intuition and rely on evidence instead of assumptions.

Images are from the Lowbrow Tarot and the Silver Era Tarot (respectively) by Aunia Kahn and Russell J. Moon,  published by Schiffer Publishing.



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Hanged Man (8 of Cups) 

Self-sacrifice is likely to be asked of you this month. Notice your reactions and be honest about your intention to serve or avoid conflict. Avoiding confrontation by agreeing to do something your heart is not in makes you a victim not a hero. Act with integrity. Be aware of quarrels and use caution in negotiating affairs of the heart. If you take things too personally, you’ll likely miss the lesson in the conflict, and there is something to be gained in this case. When brooding turns to despair, it’s time to let go of the situation and recount your blessings. 

Images are from the Omaggio a Erte published for the Edizioni Del Solleone.



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World (2 of Swords) 

Look at both sides of every situation and be sure to surround yourself with those who love and support you. Refuse to get shaken when others try to undermine your confidence in your strength and abilities. You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone who doesn’t have your best interest in mind. Refrain from justifying your point and practice patience in the face of uncertainty. If you seek joy in all that you do, you will reap the benefits of a peaceful mind. Rewards and pay-backs are just around the corner, so don’t give up anything for anyone. 

Images from the Steampunk Tarot self-published by Charissa Drengsen.



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Hierophant (Knight of Pentacles) 

It’s one thing to know right from wrong, but another to actually walk the talk; theory without practice is shallow. As you apply your own moral code to life, you become an example to others. The importance of personal integrity is for your own benefit because, in reality, you’re the only one who knows your true intentions. Do not be so concerned with what others think; focus on your own actions and make amends when necessary. A slow and dedicated pace will help you through the month. Refrain from overreacting and be patient with those who are less aware.

Images are from the Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2013 Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com