Frolicking Fae

By Terri Clement

Using the Messages from the Wee Folk by Jennifer A. Murphy and Cecilie Okada...

This is that wonderful time of year where I find myself preserving as much as I can from my garden by means of canning and dehydrating. I guess I see this as a way to prolong the growing season, but it sure can be exhausting! I am very thankful that my oldest daughter has taken an interest and has been coming “home” to help. It’s nice to have an extra set of hands in the kitchen even though she doesn’t help with clean up!  :D

Let’s see what the Fae have to offer for the month…


The beginning of the month is time to focus on loving one’s self. This may sound selfish, however, really it isn’t. One has to love one’s self before we can ask anyone else to love us. Spend some time this month focusing on what makes you – you. What is awesome about YOU?  Write them down. The Fae encourage you to write down 3 things each day that are amazing things about yourself. They say to do this for a month. Make it a habit to see how “COOL” you really are!  

They also want you to look for signs of their love for you. Look for feathers, a flower growing where it shouldn’t be, a purr or a lick from your favorite fur buddy. All of these things come from the Divine. Look at all of the amazing things that are happening all around you.

During the middle of the month it’s time to shift your focus from “self” to your relationships with others. Treat your relationships gently. So often we get caught up in treating strangers better than those we are supposed to be closest with. When you put these close relationships first you will notice how they grow and blossom.


By the end of the month, you may find yourself in a place where you are ready to send out some forgiving energy. You don’t need to forgive and forget, but just send out forgiveness, quietly. Don’t carry old and ugly energy around with you. Do not expect anything in return. This is a “letting go” experience for you. Look at this as an opportunity to heal from within.

A good stone to carry this month is Aventurine.

This is the stone of prosperity. It can help reinforce leadership qualities and aid in decision making. It also can promote compassion and empathy. The Aventurine can help one see alternatives and possibilities as well as calming anger and irritation.

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