Welcome and Thank You!

We have much to be thankful for here. At the top of our list is the warm and supportive reception we have received from you, our readers, to the changes we have been making to Tarot Reflections. We are having a lot of fun putting together the issues and it makes us very happy to receive such positive reactions. We appreciate all the comments we have been getting and truly take them to heart.

We are very excited to have Christine Jette grant us an interview. Her recent work in grief and healing resonates during this time of the year, when the loss of loved ones is felt most keenly. She also has written an article about how she reads Tarot in our feature called "Around the Card Table."

With this issue, we are going to begin to roll out some new features and solicit your assistance. The sidebar to the right has information for some features we want to introduce that are dependent on your input. We want this magazine to be something that will be useful to the Tarot and oracle communities throughout the month - not just on publication day.

While our first priority will be to bring you the latest, greatest and most interesting Tarot-related content, we are also going to be expanding to include other oracles. Many of my card reading friends, as well as myself, use a variety of tools to read with, such as yarrow stalks, runes, faeries, angels, lenormands and playing cards. In this month's issue, we will be reviewing Kris Waldherr's new Goddess Inspiration Oracle kit and we are pleased to have Terri C. provide a November message from Brian Froud's Faeries Oracle. 

This month will be the first month that we are offering the spread we are featuring as a downloadable PDF file that you can keep on your computer, or print out. Because we didn't have this capability in the Halloween issue, we are including a link so that you can download Caridwen's Web Spread as well. Caridwen's Web Spread will be presented as black type on a white sheet - which is slightly different from its appearance online. In order to view and print the file, you will need a PDF viewer. Adobe offers a free one that you can download here.

Enjoy the November issue!

- Sheri Harshberger

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2007

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