
November TarotScopes
By Lalia Wilson

Welcome November! Mercury goes retrograde on Halloween (10/31) until November 20th. For everyone Mercury retrograde indicates a time we must attend to details and a time we benefit from redoing, revising, refiling, reorganizing… This particular Mercury retrograde will be most problematic for those with a Gemini, Virgo, or Scorpio emphasis in their charts.

All cards were randomized before these drawings with four decks being used. Three cards were repeated this month, the Fool, the Star, and the Eight of Pentacles. If we look at these three cards as indicators of a collective reading, it looks like a month of new directions, hoping for the best outcome, and needing to wait for confirmation of that outcome. Also of note is that we see only one Cup, the King of Cups. The softer feelings and the arts will be less visible this month.

The Fire signs are depicted by The Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery (2012) created by Robert M. Place and published by Hermes Publications and available at https://robertmplacetarot.com/the-tarot-of-the-sevenfold-mystery/. The Earth signs are shown by the Wheel of the Year Tarot (2011) by Maria Caratti, and art by Antonella Platano, published by Lo Scarabeo. The Air signs are represented using the Legacy of the Divine Tarot (2009) created by Ciro Marchetti and published by Llewellyn. Water Signs are shown by the Chakra Wisdom Tarot (2019) by Toni Hartman, art by Katarina Sokolova, published by Watson.

I choose various decks to illustrate each month’s drawings so as to show the versatility and variety of tarot, to emphasize a particular season or sign, and because some are my favorites. 


Aries Sevenfold Mystery Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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Justice and the Two of Wands: 

Dear Aries, keep an eye on your own health, yet the focus is on your significant other and your joint finances. Carefully audit any joint accounts this month. If you are in charge of another’s finances, be exacting about keeping records and avoid any appearance of impropriety. Mercury retrograde also deals with your joint accounts this time around. Be sure that everything is on the up-and-up.


Taurus Wheel of Year Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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The Tower and the Eight of Wands:

Dear Taurus, it looks like a busy month in ways that you would prefer not to be busy. Your partner is not as reliable as usual. This may be something temporary, or it could be more serious. You want to be free from something, possibly this relationship. Look before taking action. Mercury will bring the chances of miscommunication with important partners in your life, including your doctor and your attorney. Check twice.


Gemini Legacy ot Divine Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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The Magician and the Eight of Coins (Pentacles):

Gemini, stay on top of all health concerns this month. If you have routine appointments make sure to show up. Things at work may be topsy-turvy, due to Mercury in reverse. Double-check everything. The chaos will end around the 20th. When you let go of a focus on what’s happening right now (today’s problems) you will see that things are not nearly as bad as you might think. It does get better.  


Cancer Chakra Wisdom Tarot Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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The Wheel of Fortune and the Queen of Pentacles:

Dear Cancer, it looks like you have far more work than you would like, so much that you are really busy. The good news? Plenty of money from all that work. Mercury retrograde may signify communication problems between you and a child or a lover. Check your messaging. Important items need to be spoken about face-to-face.


Leo Sevenfold Mystery Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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The Star and the Queen of Wands:

Dear Leo, you are looking to your partner and that person is MIA. Mr./Ms. Wonderful is busy elsewhere. Your creative side, your children, and life’s artistic moments are super good. Any home repairs or redecorating may hit a snag this month. Triple check everything.


Virgo Wheel of Year Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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The High Priestess and the King of Cups: 

Dear Virgo, female friends bring happiness this month. Your romantic partner is just as dreamy as ever, aren’t you lucky? Appreciate all that love around you. A misunderstanding with a sibling or neighbor may be a sore spot. Make an extra effort to communicate clearly. Even so, it may be several weeks before both of you see things the same way.


Libra Legacy ot Divine Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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Death and the Three of Pentacles:

Dear Libra, check your financial accounts and paystub carefully. Your personal possessions are attractive to others and may be the target of theft. Be particularly careful if you have someone working in or on your house. On the other hand, this is an excellent month for you to gift items to your friends and family. 


Scorpio Chakra Wisdom Tarot Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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The Lovers and the Ten of Coins (Pentacles):

Dear Scorpio, your life partner is undergoing a renewal and changing rapidly. Your fears about joint finances will not come to pass. You are having to take care of siblings and neighbors. Any travel is heavy with responsibilities at this time. While finances are good, life is not as easy as you expected. This will change.


Sagittarius Sevenfold Mystery Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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The Hierophant and the Lady (Page) of Swords:

Dear Sagittarius, Your job is busy with computer changes. Yes, some people (a minority) are working against you. You are full of life and vitality, eager for new social contacts, and a month ahead of the holiday season. Yes, life is good.


Capricorn Wheel of Year Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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The Fool and the Eight of Pentacles: 

Dear Capricorn, something is delayed that you have been waiting for. A child is a STEM prodigy. Is there a (potential) new lover in your circle? As the most responsible sign of the zodiac, you seldom step outside your social role. You probably won’t now either. Avoid any joint financial ventures with friends during this Mercury retrograde.


Aquarius Legacy ot Divine Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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The Fool and the Four of Coins (Pentacles):

Dear Aquarius, any home renovation or redecorating will come close to, or exceed, your budget. Keep a close eye on everything. You usually have the blind luck of a fool, but this month you have fears about money and health issues. Real life comes down in-between. Your fears are excessive, but you cannot always count on the serendipity that usually saves the day. Double-check any advertising or promotion that you do this month. 


Pisces Chakra Wisdom Tarot Nov 2019 20191020 0001

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The Star and the Four of Swords:

Dear Pisces, you are a gentle soul who is usually willing to wait your turn. November will bring more than its share of waiting and waiting. While it may be frustrating, look on this as a time when you can do more meditation and your other spiritual practices. Any long-distance travel plans may have Mercury retrograde moments, such as no record of your reservation, unable to get seats together on the plane, and so forth. Be prepared for mishaps. Have printed copies of your itinerary and reservations.


You can use these Tarot Scopes to read your Sun sign, Moon sign or Rising Sign (also called your Ascendant). You can determine these by using free or low cost apps, or internet sites, and inputting your time, date and place of birth. The Rising sign indicates your entire life; the Sun sign is about your ego and creative forces, and the Moon sign is about your reigning needs, emotions, and flexibility.

The tarot cards used as illustrations for this column are ones that I or the editor, Terri Clement, admire and want to share with you. Note that decks have subtle differences of meaning as they are reinterpreted by a new creator/artist, and, of course, the tarot reader. Enjoy that flexibility of meaning and the artwork of these various decks. Reading articles with illustrations like these will help you determine the tarot decks that most fit you. If you get bored seeing my favorites, I’m open to suggestions and gifts.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - 2018  Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com