More Reasons to Graduate to Reversals in Your Tarot Interpretations

By Lalia Wilson

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Wayne Limberger has already give you many reasons to use reversals in your tarot work. He rightly says that they add complexity and should not be your first step in learning tarot. I agree.

If you are new to tarot, start by learning the big picture, the Trumps or Major Arcana, and the Minor Arcana of Court Cards and pips. Learn about the four suits. If you already have a background in astrology or the Kabbalah, add that nuance to your repertoire. (Otherwise I suggest you put off studying astrology or the Kabbalah until you are fully grounded in tarot.) I strongly encourage new students to draw a tarot card each day. Work with the card, learn its meaning and how it works in your life. 

After you have done all that, then start with reversals. As Wayne says, they are not simply the opposites of the upright cards, though some may be in some situations. Instead it is more like adding another 78 cards to your deck. Now your ability to interpret the cards is much improved. You can make more distinctions. You become a better tarot reader. Yea, you!

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