April Tarot Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta



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Empress (7 of Pentacles)

Security issues become more prevalent this month as you begin to feel that finances, your job or relationship are getting better. Pause and think about what it is you really want. Perhaps you’re afraid that you’ll lose what you have by taking a step in a different direction. This is normal! When you outgrow a phase in life, it's simply time for another one. Like the seasons, the positions, places, and faces in life constantly change. Instead of making excuses or putting off the inevitable change, trust your creative imagination; it will show you what to do next. 

Image from the Forest Folklore Tarot by Kessia Beverley-Smith, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


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Fool (5 of Wands)

This month, anything’s possible when you trust the unknown and in your ability to take risks. Even if you’re struggling, you must look at obstacles as stepping stones instead of boulders. Although it may seem like your ideas and deeds are met with strife and complications, it’s only a temporary hindrance. The purpose of seeing this through is to adopt patience and flexibility while continuing to entertain the integrity of your vision. You are known to be a strategically oriented person, but try letting loose and be spontaneous. Follow your instincts and take that leap into the unknown!

Image from the Zombie Tarot by Paul Kepple, Stacey Graham and Ralph Geroni, published by Quirk Productions, Inc.



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Lovers (6 of Pentacles) 

Relationships are the perfect mirror for pointing out values, strengths and weaknesses. Notice how what you admire in another is also something you want or value. It’s also true, although not as easily accepted, that what is disliked in others often reflects unsavory aspects in you. To a degree, people reflect back to you the self-image you have created. As you judge them, you also subconsciously judge yourself. Look closely at your relationships for the underlying dynamic. You may discover that you are more involved with a projection or expectation of that person than with the actual person. Issues regarding fairness will likely prompt a heated discussion.

Image from the Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Hermit (Page of Swords)

You may need to withdraw a little this month to analyze yourself more closely – reflection without distraction. This type of contemplation restores the actual nature of your character. By quieting the noises outside, you can become more aware of the voice inside you. Perhaps you will learn a thing or two. As the age-old proverb advises:  Accept the things you cannot change, change the things that you can, and wait patiently until you know the difference. Remember that this is about what YOU think and feel, so don’t listen to what anyone else has to say.

Image from the Steampunk Tarot: Wisdom from the Gods of the Machine by John and Caitlin Matthews, released through Tuttle Publishing.



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Devil (5 of Cups)

Your negative feelings, whether conscious or not, are sending the wrong message to others. There’s a factor you’re unaware of, or perhaps being too blasé about. Feelings of loss or guilt about something you’ve done may be the cause. These feeling have you chained to a negative outlook, causing things to appear worse than they really are. Within each loss there’s a lesson like every gray cloud has its silver lining; yet, in order to realize this, you must completely shift your paradigm and let go of these destructive feelings. New possibilities are available as long as you don’t resist change.

Image from the Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Star (King of Swords) 

Faith is an enigma, not a concept to be intellectually understood. Because it is abstract, you must let go of the need for an explanation and trust the symbolic meaning. Give your mind a focus that does not involve the future or past, allow it to channel the impressions it naturally absorbs, then simply observe. As you become the master of your mind, you will live in the moment with acceptance and curiosity, not judgment and fear. A tough situation around the 20th will require more than a cool strategy. Before executing solutions, sit with the dilemma and see what unfolds. 

Image from the Housewives Tarot by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum, published by Quirk Productions, Inc.



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Emperor (4 of Wands) 

Your hard work and determination will be praised in the eyes of others. This may come in the form of a promotion, a raise, or some wonderful gift. If you’ve been working on a plan or project that is somehow dependent on the opinion or approval of another, now is the time to reveal what you have been doing. This is also an excellent time to show appreciation to all those hard-working people in your life. Be generous when complimenting others and be sure to express the pride you take in having them in your life.

Image from the Forest Folklore Tarot by Kessia Beverley-Smith, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


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High Priestess (6 of Wands) 

Seeking approval can sometimes be a futile endeavor, particularly when you compromise your standards to obtain it. Look closely at the ways in which you search for attention and ask yourself if they are truly in integrity. A gratifying experience may be nothing more than a superficial backrub. Some of the characteristics you have become accustomed to flaunting might be disconnecting you from your source. Be cautious of those who promise to take care of you. You will be easily distracted by your attachments if you choose only to see the good in people -  error on the side of caution.

Image from the Zombie Tarot by Paul Kepple, Stacey Graham and Ralph Geroni, published by Quirk Productions, Inc.



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Judgment (7 of Cups) 

Seeing beyond illusions is probably one of the hardest lessons in life because to do so you must live with accountability. Similarly, continuously searching for pleasant experiences only leads to a path of longing. To live in balance is to live without needing to avoid or cling to people, place and things. Freedom is awaiting you when you’re willing to let go of fantasies. The joy of life is to be fully present to pure experience without being captured by it. Be real about the quality of your life. As you focus on more meaningful matters, you become more available to live.

Image from the Steampunk Tarot: Wisdom from the Gods of the Machine by John and Caitlin Matthews, released through Tuttle Publishing.



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Justice (Ace of Cups)

A current emotional experience in your life requires an unemotional sorting out. Although you may be feeling overwhelmed at the moment, getting an objective perspective – perhaps by asking a friend – can help you understand your situation better. Although wise to follow your heart, be cautious not to be taken over by sentiment. To determine the most appropriate course of action, you need a balance of mind and heart. If you’re just beginning a relationship, the standards you set at the start will dictate the theme of your time together. Notice how people treat you when you respect yourself.

Image from The Hobbit Tarot by Peter Pracownik and Terry Donaldson, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Temperance (5 of Wands) 

As you know, life is about balance; which is not to say that differences are unimportant or that there’s a universal right and wrong. The totality of life experience is born out of the tension of opposites, but when you’re accepting and open, you have more clarity for resolution of that tension. The art to creating balance requires your discernment and flexibility amidst a constant state of change. There’s always room for adjustment if you’re willing to compromise. The struggles you’re experiencing can be resolved with a dose of compassion and creativity. If you feel blocked, find another route.

Image from the Housewives Tarot by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum, published by Quirk Productions, Inc.



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Strength (Five of Swords) 

Power is often thought of as an ability to control or stop a difficult situation. Ironic as it may be, this force of energy often overwhelms the very resources needed to solve a problem. Challenges can be opportunities in disguise. To be aware of this, however, you must stay with the uncomfortable feelings long enough to see the opportunities. Strength is a quiet determination, unfolding from the inside and illuminating your personal boundaries. A power struggle around the 10th will test your ability to relinquish control. In this case, it is wiser to accept your limitations than prove your point. 

Image from The Hobbit Tarot by Peter Pracownik and Terry Donaldson, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2013 Questions? Comments? Contact us at reflections@ata-tarot.com