October's Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta

In keeping with the season, the TarotScopes this month feature the cards from Kipling West's Halloween Tarot from U.S. Games Systems, which is available as a deck only, or with the companion book.  The companion book is also available separately.  The deck comes in a cute new tin instead of a box, too!  Copyright (c) 2008, U.S. Games Systems, Inc.  Images used with permission.


Fool (4 of Pentacles)  Caught between a rock and hard place this month, you’ll have a tough time deciding on whether to go for it or stay planted. What’s even more confusing is that you’ve worked so hard to get where you are now. Keep in mind that security can’t be measured by material possessions. It could be worthwhile to risk a little, add some excitement to your routine and do something for the sake of adventure. The Full Moon on the 14th is a great time to indulge — you deserve it!


Moon (Knight of Pentacles)  This is an important time to slow down and rest, both physically and emotionally, or risk becoming overwhelmed. Weed out any unnecessary work from your routine and avoid taking on extra tasks or new projects. Simply stick to what you’re already doing. Don’t panic when money issues cause more anxiety than usual, as fear only muddles your mind and prevents you from finding solutions. Around the weekend of the 17th, an unexpected and costly annoyance will arise. Be cautious about your level of consumption this month.


Sun (Queen of Cups)  “Once upon a time….” is a great line to start each day with. There is something quite magical about this month, but only those with open eyes and active imaginations will experience it. You’re coming out of a hectic period and could definitely use some rejuvenation, so find ways to surround yourself with joy and inspiration — adopt the wonder of a child and spend time doing what feels fulfilling. You will notice that people most unlike you will be magnetically attracted to your charisma. The 18th is full of opportunities for romance.


Temperance (King of Pentacles)  This month is a highly productive period for art, industry, or home economics. You are full of energy and motivation and can make things happen. Whether work related or for personal interests, as you put the pieces together, you’ll be amazed to see what happens. Financially, this is also a promising time. You have a unique talent for creatively combining resources, especially around the 20th. But like King Midas, your golden touch can be equally disappointing; be sure to focus on one project at a time.


Lovers (10 of Cups)  Relationships weigh heavily on your heart and mind: how to get in one and/or out of another, and how to salvage difficult ones and honor important ones. If you consider that all relationships are really reflections of you and your hidden aspects, you may want to look at how each person affects you in return. Ask yourself what their energy adds to your life — or what it deprives you of. It’s also important to respect your own boundaries and not lose yourself trying to please someone else. Look for a confession around the 22nd.


Magician (Queen of Swords)  It may not always be about you — though it could be. Are you willing to accept the responsibility that comes with that fact? There’s no room for complaining when you take charge of your life! You must be ready to turn problems into opportunities. Instead of dwelling on grievances, use your critical thinking to solve problems and take action. If you continue talking in circles about what’s bothering you, an altercation at the end of the month may knock you off your soapbox. Take responsibility for your mistakes before pointing the finger at someone else. 


Justice (4 of Swords)  A balanced mind is needed to make big decisions this month. It’s important to separate facts from feelings in order to see things clearly, and if you’re swayed too much in either direction, you’ll prolong this impasse. A problematic situation will be resolved around the 25th, but until then, reserve your judgment. In business matters, issues of fairness will creep into the conversation. Be honest about what you can and cannot do. Trying to prove yourself only causes you more stress. Wait until after Mercury goes direct on the 15th to discuss emotional matters.


World (10 of Pentacles)  There is a tangible reward coming your way; it may take the month to culminate, but the prize is yours for taking. Be sure to add final touches to unfinished projects at the beginning of the month. Family matters are also of significance. Spend time with distant or aging relatives who need your support. There may be a large purchase or investment in your near future, so it would be wise to evaluate your current debt load. As for those in a relationship — do I hear wedding bells or a crying baby?


Chariot (King of Wands)  Your brilliance shines through this month as you overcome a pending issue. It’s not the success, per se, that’s noteworthy, but rather how you handle yourself in the face of conflict. A quiet and deliberate approach is always best. Choose a sensible course of action and follow through. There’s really nothing hard about this, but your fears may try to convince you otherwise. Don’t hesitate when a risky opportunity is presented the first week of the month or it will be given away. Also, be extra patient while driving since there’s a propensity towards accidents.


Judgment (7 of Pentacles)  Oh prudent one, your ever-so-cautious ways may be causing your feelings of languish. A visit from the ghost of the past haunts you with unfulfilled dreams and aspirations. Take a good look at what you’ve achieved and ask yourself whether it was worth your time, energy, and life purpose. This is a critical time for self-analysis — not to point out flaws, but to find ways in which you can express more of yourself in the world. A reality check around the 5th reminds you what’s missing.  


Wheel of Fortune (Ace of Swords)  A new phase is upon you which will test your mental strength. You’ll need to figure out new strategies for dealing with people and circumstances. Aggressive tactics will only backfire, as will underhanded moves. Face this challenge with integrity and proficiency and guard against arrogance and the need to be right, for those are exactly the behaviors you’re working to change. A significant experience around the 8th is the catalyst for this big transition. Even if it seems negative, remember that it’s only one thread in the tapestry of your life.


Strength (3 of Wands)  The great spiritual teacher, Jesus, said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” This is an important message this month, as you may need to reach out for support or answer the call of someone in need. Communing with others will help generate energy in the direction of your spiritual, emotional, and practical goals. Acting independently will only cut you off from powerful resources. The weekend of the 10th is sure to be exciting and emotional. Don’t be surprised if you meet someone you’re very attracted to. 

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. 

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2008

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