Memorial Day Spread

Created by Tabitha Chamberlain

For many of us Memorial Day marks the start of summer in the States. It signals the end of school, warmer weather, the opening of pools, and grilling season. For those of us that live in states that have been dealing with unusually harsh winter this year and with a spring that's not being much kinder, most of us are greatly looking forward to summer!

Unfortunately over the years Memorial Day has lost its true meaning. It's a unique holiday to the United States, it’s a day that is not a holiday in the traditional sense of the word. While many of us do celebrate this day it is supposed to be a day of remembrance. Honoring the men and women that have lost their lives while in combat. Several other countries have something similar to honor their soldiers.

Memorial Day actually started out as Decoration Day to honor the soldiers who died while fighting in the Civil War on both sides. Over the past several decades and wars this has become more of a day to honor all the men and women who have died in service to their country.

Those that choose to service their country don’t make a light or easy choice. They truly believe it’s an honor and duty that they need to fulfill. For those of us who don’t have this ingrained belief we can still honor the memory of these men and women who did answer this call and died while doing it.

Many groups do take time to honor the veterans on Memorial Day. The Boys Scouts is one such group. They send troops of boys out to the national cemeteries to place small flags on all soldiers’ graves. The USO (United Service Organization) is a non-profit that does special events throughout the year for all veterans. The USO generally have special celebration and memorial specifically for Memorial Day.

There are many ways for you personally to honor the memory of these many men and women. You can simply light a candle to say thank you. Could pour libations into the ground or an offering. Wearing a poppy flower in their memory, which the National American Legion adopted in 1918. If you have the time, volunteering at the local USO or VA would be greatly appreciated. In your own way find the way you feel best fitting to honor the memory of those that gave their lives for us.

For those that live in a different country that don’t have something similar to Memorial Day, take a moment to remember your own men and women that gave their lives throughout the history of your country. Just pick any day that is important or significance to your country or you personally.

Most veterans will tell you that they don’t like to be thanked for their service on Memorial Day, this is a day to honor the men and women that have died. Veteran’s Day, November 11, is the day to thank those that were able to come home.

Memorial Day Spread



1-Honor- Honor the memory

2 Thank- How to thank those that have passed on

3 Remember- To remember them

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