November Tarot Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta


Moon (8 of Pentacles) 


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Your new commitment is much harder to keep than you expected and while you’re feeling the weight of this responsibility, it’s imperative to remain focused and dedicated. Keep in mind that this feeling is only temporary and the work you’re doing will pay off in time. Get comfortable with delaying immediate satisfaction. This period requires a measured balance of commitment. Self-discipline doesn’t mean you need to deprive yourself of rest or leisure, it means that you do what’s best for the bigger picture. Remember, too much discipline and you’ll likely to act out destructively, not enough thought, and you’ll undermine your efforts. The first week of the month will present some unexpected challenges, so be sure to remain focused and present, even if it costs you something.

Images from the Kabbalistic Visions Tarot by Marco Marini and Luigi Scapinin, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.


Sun (5 of Pentacles) 


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New opportunities for growth will emerge from the challenges of the past, but you must compose yourself to claim your golden ticket. Just because a cherished goal didn’t work out the way you expected, and even if you worked you’re tail off for it, doesn’t mean that the outcome is the treasure. What did you gain from the experience? If you look within yourself to find wealth, you may discover that what you thought was missing was simply overlooked. How do you expect to collect more when you neglect what you already have? A twist of fate, in your case, is not a stroke of luck. It’s your ability to produce something new from what you’ve learned. All is not lost in this case. Keep on moving.

Images from the Ator Tarot by Robin Ator.


High Priestess (6 of Swords) 


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Something or someone unexpected will reveal information that is guaranteed to change your perspective on things. Whether this relates to you or another person, the encounter will inspire much needed answers. The unknown has a tendency to cause anxiety, yet if you try to avoid these uncomfortable feelings, you’ll move further away from this much needed revelation. The remaining chaos in the background will likely simmer down after you clear your mind of mental chatter. There’s no point in pretending you don’t care. It will behoove you to face the situation calmly and honestly. If possible, take a short trip to clear your mind. If this new information is about your job, you might need to make a difficult decision – should you stay or should you go?

Images from the Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, published by Arnell Art.


Judgment (5 of Wands) 


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Frustration has a funny way of making it feel like you’ve been beating your head against a brick wall. When nothing seems to move in the direction you desire and all your efforts are futile, what more is there to do? In this case, the complications you’re confronted with are the consequences of previous actions. Realizing this will free you from the struggle, and motivate you to find new choices and fresh movement. The week of the 10th brings power struggles with others. There’s no need to prove your point, just move on. Unfair as it may be, there is more freedom in accepting what is and starting again. If you’re looking for new employment, you might want to change the direction of you search.

Images from the Kabbalistic Visions Tarot by Marco Marini and Luigi Scapinin, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.


Magician (Knight of Wands) 


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It’s time to take action and make the most of your talents. You’re in a favorable spot to manifest the reality of your most recent vision. Just the right kind of potential has emerged and awaits your application. Be assertive and don’t be afraid to creatively manipulate a situation to your advantage. Magic unfolds when you turn something mundane into something extraordinary. Use your resources productively. If you don’t seize this opportunity with determination, the window may close and you’ll be stuck on the outside looking in. Remain humble in your pursuit and remember that everyone plays an intricate role in your life. The ability to manage your destiny is focused primarily through your thoughts and words.  Be conscious about how you use them.

Images from the Ator Tarot by Robin Ator.


Wheel of Fortune (10 of Wands) 


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Like the seasons, life moves through a process of continuous cycles. Changes are dependable whether you accept it or not. One minute you can be on top of the world and the next, at the bottom. Who to blame for your fate has been the topic of endless debate. Who knows for sure? But, you are no doubt a choreographer of this eternal dance; when your intentions are consciously expressed, you begin to see how each step sets the next one in motion. A heavy load will lighten and spin you in another direction. Use this change to create new momentum. There’s no need to abandon your goals, just reframe your intentions and be sure the two are aligned. Walk your talk and mean what you say.

Images from the Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, published by Arnell Art.


Fool (3 of Swords) 


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A problematic situation may worsen this month if you don’t take immediate action. Look around and see what you are missing. Don’t be too sure of yourself, and be honest about whether your actions are fair. Mistakes are easily corrected if you just admit them. You certainly don’t want to tarnish your ethical reputation. An inevitable storm is coming; by the end of the month, you’ll discover a betrayal by a so-called friend. It’s best to keep your private affairs private. A wolf in sheep’s clothing is looking for a fight. Don’t be surprised by the enormous changes this betrayal provokes. After the crisis there will be plenty of time to reflect. Don’t worry though, in the long run it’ll be better this occurred.

Images from the Kabbalistic Visions Tarot by Marco Marini and Luigi Scapinin, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.


Chariot (9 of Wands) 


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If you want to bring passion and excitement into your life, begin by enlivening your current projects or relationships with new enthusiasm. Focus on what you love and build from that. Or, be courageous enough to let them go all together. When pulled in opposite directions of freedom and obligation, it’s wise to rise above your fears and complaints and simply follow a purposeful path. Don’t let the rebel usurp the responsible one in a whim of restlessness. Equally so, watch that the naysayer doesn’t stifle the spark of inspiration. Often there’s only a thin line between the two, and you as the master must negotiate a course that honors both instincts. A major issue you've been dealing with will finally resolve itself for the better.

Images from the Ator Tarot by Robin Ator.


Hermit (2 of Cups) 


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All of the people in your life, including your enemies, have left their mark on you. They’ve all influenced the way you see yourself. As a natural side-effect of relationships, you begin to behave according to the dynamic present in the relationship. Perhaps even losing yourself in the process. Consequently, there are times in life when it’s necessary to separate from others in order to reconnect with yourself. This could be challenging if you are in a romantic relationship or part of a family unit. Anything is doable, though and in this case, it's necessary. Create a sacred space in which you can spend time alone. If you are longing for a relationship, use this time to court yourself, discover what you like and find ways to relish in your own splendor.

Images from the Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, published by Arnell Art.


Hierophant (Queen of Pentacles) 


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The search for meaning can take the form of several different paths. One may fill you with external gratifications, another, self –knowledge and insight, perhaps another bestows love and companionship. The choice of which path to follow is often motivated by your values, and can in small ways change the course of your life. However, when you dare to take the path less traveled, you open yourself up to unexpected opportunities for growth. A well-rounded personality is more interesting than a constant reinforcement. Don’t set your sights on only one path when there hundreds of new places to discover. If you continuously seek out the same journey, eventually you’ll be bored and unappreciative. Don't confuse security with complacency. Go a different way.

Images from the Kabbalistic Visions Tarot by Marco Marini and Luigi Scapinin, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.


Empress (Page of Swords) 


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The little nagging voices of self-judgment may be in need of a sweet lullaby. As you venture into this new phase of life, you may be accompanied by an annoying sense of doubt. This fearful voice causes you to question your capabilities and inherent talents. Instead of denying this voice though, find a way to soothe it. Engage it (you) in a compassionate conversation and ask yourself what there is to fear. Then reassure yourself that no matter what, you’ll be okay. Also, be wary of others who place uncertainty in your path - don’t take on their fears. Ask for what you are worth at work, and take care of your needs the way you wish to be taken care of.

Images from the Ator Tarot by Robin Ator.


Devil (7 of Cups) 


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Illusory goals will get you nowhere. Time will pass and you’ll end up where you began. Sound confusing? It is when you’re caught in the wrinkles of time. You know what I mean. You have a dream but you do nothing about it, then you complain that life is hard or you can't commit yourself to the work necessary for materializing your goals. So instead, you just hold on to some unobtainable dream and waste your time doing other less meaningful things. It might be time to check your laziness or face your fears. Be honest about how you might be holding yourself back from creating a better life. Not frivolous but purposeful and soulful. Time to unmask the illusions and get real.

Images from the Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, published by Arnell Art.

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