Finest Reflections - Voting



Finest Reflections of 2015 - Reader’s Choice Awards

With the end of the year closing in on us, we here at Tarot Reflections think it would be great time to take a look back at what made some of the biggest impacts in our Tarot Community.

We want your opinion on what was the best Tarot, Oracle, Lenormand/Kipper decks, and Books that have helped you on your Tarot journey that were PUBLISHED THIS YEAR. We will be taking votes from you, our readers until December 25th, 2015 via the below. We will be announcing our Finest Reflections of 2015 - Reader’s Choice Awards in our January issue.

Create your own user feedback survey


Your vote serves as your entry into the December Contest for a $50 Amazon Gift Card! Easy Peasy!

Thank you for participating!!

Finest Reflections of 2015 - Readers Choice Awards is conducted by the editorial staff of Tarot Reflections. Nominations and Winners are chosen by the readership of Tarot Reflections and are not to be considered an endorsement by the American Tarot Association.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - 2015  Questions? Comments? Contact us at