Rachel’s Esoteric Journey

By Lorraine Kemble

 1. The Magician


Image from the RWS Tarot

Rachel has decided to study Business Administration at University; as she is a dedicated student. The downside for her, is that she thinks she knows everything and is “invincible”. However, of course, she is not; we are here in this incarnation as part of our journey, to ultimately learn. Rachel eventually realises this and does amazingly in her studies at University, graduating with honours. She has used her time well, and means to go ahead in a positive, related direction. Even though Rachel has accomplished all this by herself, she grows increasingly discontented with her achievements, wishing that she has “the golden key” to make herself happy. She is impatient, promising herself that she will have a sparkling future.

 In the The Magician’s card, the wand in his hand is elevated, and over his head the lemniscate emphasises that the possibilities laying before him are infinite. The table represents bringing our own  belief systems into the world. 

The sunny backdrop of The Magician card represents optimism, where a man sits, swathed in a magician’s robe, clutching tools. They represent each of the suits of the Tarot: a Cup, a Pentacle, a Wand, and a Sword. There are only two cards that show this detailed symbol and this typifies that anybody is the master of their fate. The infinity symbol over The Magician’s head, is directly related to karma.

The zodiac sign is Aries.

Numerically, The Magician is one, meaning new beginnings and possibilities.

Planetary-wise, The Magician is associated with Mercury, the Greco-Roman god who travels to the heavens and the physical world.

The previous installment can be found in the January 2019 issue of Tarot Reflections. Watch for the next installment in the March issue of Tarot Reflections.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - 2019  Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com