Frolicking Fae

May 2016
By Terri Clement

Using the Woodland Wisdom Oracle
By Frances Munro and Peter Pracownik

May is here and I have been spending a lot of time in my yard. The garden is going in slowly, but going. We are putting in a new flower bed in the back of the house, that is really exciting. Trying hard to keep it inviting to our Faerie friends.

Well, let's see what the Fae have to tell us this month.


Looking at all three cards together I notice there is definitely a theme of letting go, making new choices, taking a new path, and rebirth. The Faeries are definitely trying to get that message out. Let go, release anger, and move on!

The first part of the month is a very powerful time. This is when you can achieve many things, with help. The help that you need is given freely from the Wee Ones and even fellow humans, if you ask. The Fae want you to know that it is okay to walk away from paths that have gone stagnant. It is a good time to look at new goals and allow yourself to grow. Know that it can come easily and you might even enjoy this new path and growing experiences.

During the middle of the month you might need to be reminded that you shouldn't waste your time or energy on anger. Turn that energy into something positive; use it to do something good (maybe even for someone else).

Get your creative juices flowing. Make or create something amazing.

The end of the month is what this whole month has been building towards – Explosive growth! Living life and walking your path from a loving place instead of anger and resentment.

Yoga might be something great to add to your daily routine.

A nice stone to carry this month is Rhodonite.

Rhodonite has heart based energy. It is a balancing stone. It helps keep you calm and may help you stop taking action when you are angry. It helps you discover talents you may not have been aware of.

Rhodonite can help with the itch of insect bites. It can stimulate fertility. It can elp with emphysema, auto-immune diseases and stomach ulcers. It can also ease inflammation of joints.


*Healing properties are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor.

As always, I hope you find that this message from the Fae helps guide you through the ups and downs of this month!! Remember to say a special little thank you to our Fae Friends for the guidance, insight and entertainment!

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - 2016  Questions? Comments? Contact us at