July Journal

Same Cards Different Questions
By Tabitha Chamberlain

This month we're going to go a little outside of the box. For this journal I want you to write out 4-6 questions that is well suited for a 3 card spread.If you do better on the fly, do a new question each week. The catch, however is that I am going to give you the three cards that you are to use for each question.

July Journal 001

For those that don't have their own tarot deck I'm posting the three cards (Ace of Wands/6 of Cups/Page of Swords) using the Celestial Stick People Tarot by Brian Crick. For those that have your own tarot decks, feel free to use the same cards from your deck.

If you want you may switch the cards positions for different questions or wait a few days and switch them up for the same question. Remember to write down the positions that you are using for that particular question.

When writing down your questions, make sure to use those that are positive action, questions with How or What, more than passive questions Why or When. This will help gain more insight to into the cards. Which is the point of this month's Journal.

Use any subject that's effecting you right now. They could be anything from:

Self-Improvement/Outward appearance

As always Happy Reading!!

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - 2016  Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com