February Tarot Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta



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Death (Page of Pentacles) 

A change of tide bestows upon you an unexpected financial gain or loss. Look at either event with a discerning eye because within the experience are seeds for future growth. Don’t be discouraged if an investment doesn’t pay off right away, and don’t be too optimistic if it does. This is only the beginning—there is more to come by the end of winter. Let go of your attachments and make space for new energy. The weekend of the 24th is a perfect time for thinning-out your possessions and re-organizing your environment. Take extra care of your well-being, too.

Images from the Tarot Deck of Heroes by Richard Shadowfox and published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.



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Tower (8 of Wands) 

Brace yourself for an accelerated month. Situations that have been at a standstill will suddenly begin to move, and quickly! Unfortunately, some of your plans may be disrupted in the process, but you should be able to improvise. Do not mistake stubbornness for determination. Whatever falls apart is not worth falling to pieces over. The weekend of the 8th may present unexpected travel—be sure not to act hastily or something could go wrong. Also, those involved in a steamy love affair may finally realize that this is not what you want. No worries, there are more fish in the sea!

Image from The Alchemical Tarot: Renewed Edition III by Robert M. Place.



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Justice (Queen of Wands)     

Your values are reflected in your actions. Saying one thing and doing another only violates yourself. Be sincere about what you want before looking for achievement, because your intention is what attracts an experience to you. If you want to solve a dilemma, notice how and where you are getting in your own way. Rather than complaining about a problem, figure out how you are creating it. Instead of shrinking from a dilemma or blaming someone else, be objective and plan a solution that is aligned with your highest good. Be careful not break any rules around the 20th.

Images from the Lowbrow Tarot by Aunia Kahn and Russell J. Moon and The Mary-El Tarot by Marie White respectively. Both published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.



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Empress (Knight of Cups) 

Love is a mystery. The lessons of love, however, are most dramatically experienced when there is an object for affection. When emotions are aroused, you could be swept away by them, and, depending on the response you receive, your feelings can either intensify, fizzle out or be transferred. Note how those feelings carry you, what they awaken in you and how you channel them. Near the end of the month, you’ll encounter a charming individual or tempting situation; don’t underestimate the opportunity or you may miss out on a heart lesson. For artists, inspiration will bring about success if you let it.

Image from The Rider Tarot (1971) published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Emperor (6 of Wands) 

Dedication and responsibility become the cornerstones for building new foundations this month; when you apply your energy to something, it will naturally expand. A project you have been working very hard on will show signs of success, and though you may be tempted to stop and collect on the reward, it is more prudent to continue building. Expect an authority figure to deliver some good news around the 11th, like a raise or promotion. For those recently embroiled in a power struggle, the situation is now in your control, just be kind and sure not to abuse your power.  

Images from the Golden Botticelli Tarot published by Lo Scarabeo for Llewellyn Worldwide.



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Magician (Ace of Pentacles) 

Seize the day! Or in this case – the month! You are in an advantageous place to make mountains move; no time for hesitation though. A project started around the Spring Equinox has harvested a crop of plenty and you are in the position to capitalize on this. The 7th is a promising day for opportunity; however, you must be proactive in making things happen. Pay attention to the synchronicity of events, and don’t be afraid to push your own agenda. Let your natural charisma do the talking, and just be sure to watch your tone. You don’t want to appear too zealous.

Image from The 8-Bit Tarot by Indigo Kelleigh.



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Strength (9 of Cups) 

It’s a misconception that strength must be forceful and that you must exert great amounts of energy to accomplish a goal, or repress naturally spontaneous behavior to win approval. Remember, areas that produce the greatest aggravation also contain the most untapped potential. An emotional relationship at the beginning of the month will likely trigger deep feelings of insecurity. Next time you feel undervalued or overlooked, try telling others how great you are; bask in your own pride rather than soliciting it from them. Power comes from within and is strengthened through meaningful expressions of your own nature, light and dark.

Images from the Tarot Deck of Heroes by Richard Shadowfox and published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.



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High Priestess (Ace of Cups) 

There is a great deal of internal activity that will confuse and fascinate you. Even more strangely, people will respond to you very differently this month. You will find it challenging to get your point across if you don’t speak from your heart. Logical communication sounds more like Chinese. Even worse, others are more likely to read into what you’re saying and completely confuse your intentions. Don’t be alarmed by the shifts in your mood, this is an emotional period with a rhythm of its own. The week of the 25th is a mysterious time – trust your intuition over your mind.

Image from The Alchemical Tarot: Renewed Edition III by Robert M. Place.



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Hierophant (Ace of Wands)  

A flash of insight around the 23rd provides clarity that will begin changing the course of your affairs. The answers you have been searching for (philosophical or practical) will be revealed when you ask the proper questions. Now is a good time to seek advice from a knowledgeable source, and this time, try really listening. An incident that began in the summer will yield positive and fruitful results. Use the dividends from your investment in a meaningful way; coveting material possessions will only produce suffering. Surprise someone with kindness and find ways to incorporate passion into the mundane aspects of life.

Images from the Lowbrow Tarot by Aunia Kahn and Russell J. Moon and The Mary-El Tarot by Marie White respectively. Both published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.



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Moon (7 of Cups) 

Colorful fantasies will obscure your vision of reality if you’re not mindful. Dazed and a little confused? You will be.   Be honest about what you can and cannot do as there will be severe limitations to some of your goals. If you make commitments, be sure you can back them up with effort. The tendency at this time is to romanticize everything, perhaps it would be better to stick to the drawing board instead of starting new projects. The weekend of the 16th is a red zone—pay attention to the choices you make and their potential consequences.

Image from The Rider Tarot (1971) published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Hanged Man (Ace of Swords)

You have reached an impasse that strategizing can no longer help. To a large extent, it’s your perspective that has immobilized you to this degree. Your expectations are too narrow, or beyond the scope of your present capabilities. No worries though, use this pause in time to reflect on your heartfelt intentions, then, imagine how you’ll feel when life is moving effortlessly. The goal is to fix your perspective, not your problem. The problem is your path to awakening. Be in acceptance no matter what and after the 17th, you will feel more at ease with your position. 

Images from the Golden Botticelli Tarot published by Lo Scarabeo for Llewellyn Worldwide.



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Wheel of Fortune (9 of Wands)     

An area in your life is subject to a new phase; do not attempt to control your fate or you’ll end up out of balance. This is an opportune time to set new goals and aspirations; however, be prepared to work hard to attain them. Remember, quality work requires you not to scatter your energy. Stay focused on your priorities and the rest will come together. Let go of old baggage and outgrown goals. Be honest not defensive about your failures; success can grow just as easily out of mistakes. Around the 10th is a good time to plant those seeds.

Image from The 8-Bit Tarot by Indigo Kelleigh.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors.  Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2013 Questions? Comments? Contact us at reflections@ata-tarot.com