
May 2015 - Tarot Forecast
By Adrienne Abeyta



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Chariot (7 of Wands) 

Your willpower will be tested this month. It’s imperative you gain control before reacting to any situation. Something you recently shared may not elicit the response you had hoped. Instead of arguing or running away, prove your strength by showing your determination. Stick to your convictions and remain composed; this shows integrity, no matter what happens. Victory lies more in the manner in which you conduct yourself than in the actual outcome. Keep in mind that behavior can communicate as much as language can – what are your actions saying and are they consistent with your words?

Images from The Celtic Tarot by Helena Paterson and Courtney Davis, published by Metro Books.



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Devil (7 of Pentacles) It’s dangerous to become a slave to your attachments or to measure your worth by possessions or status, just as it’s dangerous to assume others judge you by what you do or have. Aren’t you tired of preserving something that is artificial? Wouldn’t you like to break free this illusion? Something heavy in life is dulling your natural spark. You’ve become more concerned with what you do than who you are and this has you chained to an illusion. Let go of burdensome activities and take the time to explore other ventures. You will be amazed at what you discover.

Images from the Beautiful Creatures Tarot by J.r. Rivera and Jasmine Becket-Griffith, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.



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Death (10 of Pentacles) 

This month promises to start off with a bang, there is a permanent change involving your family and/or your job; it could be a death, birth, wedding, promotion or dismissal. Allow yourself to flow with this transition because incredible opportunities will emerge. This phase is unstoppable so the more you try to control, the more you will suffer. Those who have been seriously considering a major investment, wait until the end of the month to take the plunge. It would be wise to tighten up your finances in preparation for the coming months. Whether feast or famine, you’re going to need it.

Images from The Fairytale Tarot by Karen Mahoney, Alex Ukolov, and Irena Trísková, published by Magic Realist Press.



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Hanged Man (Queen of Wands) 

You are in the midst of a spiritual initiation. However, like any journey towards enlightenment, you must first surrender your ego. Be willing to sacrifice control in order to tap into the reservoir of inner riches. It's easier to find strength in yourself than you realize. You might just need to be shaken a little to discover this. The path to success is clearer when your vision is aligned with your heart. A dilemma around the 5th could be the cause of internal conflict. Trust your intuition instead of the voice of reason; solutions come by way of insight, not strategy.

Images from The Celtic Tarot by Helena Paterson and Courtney Davis, published by Metro Books. 



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Hierophant (Knight of Swords)

You may experience some type of disruption that causes you to question your beliefs or philosophy on life. It is important to understand that everything has a purpose and out of chaos new revelations are formed. Rather than try and fight against this commotion, it may be wiser to identify with it – see your part.  Rather than asking, ‘why is this happening to me?’ Ask, ‘what is this asking from me?’ If you can apply meaning to the turmoil you may find that this apparently complicated situation is actually a catalyst to a whole new philosophy on life. For those whom are plagued with an underlying sense of anxiety, it may be time to seek guidance from someone or perhaps turn your attention to something spiritual or alternative.  The answers are out if you are willing to seek.

Images from the Beautiful Creatures Tarot by J.r. Rivera and Jasmine Becket-Griffith, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.



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Tower (8 of Cups) 

Devoting ourselves to the search for emotional security can be an illusory endeavor because more often than not, we search for some ‘thing’ to provide that security. Then, it is often that thing we accuse of holding us back or hurting us. On the other hand, it is also that thing we attribute our success and pleasure to. Either way, attachment to an object misleads you into believing that something out there is responsible for feelings inside. Love does not emerge because of something external (although it can be a catalyst), love is born through you, because of you. If you rely too much upon outside stimuli to fill the void within, you will sadly find only despair and addiction because nothing exists outside of you that does not already reside within you. Don’t hold on out of fear. Let go and walk away. 

Images from The Fairytale Tarot by Karen Mahoney, Alex Ukolov, and Irena Trísková, published by Magic Realist Press.



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Lovers (6 of Cups)

Feeling a deep connection with another human is one of the greatest pleasures in life. It is something we all dream about from the time we are young. Sometimes it is the first love that seems to haunt your later relationships, as you strive to re-create that idyllic feeling on some level. There is no benefit to living in the past, though; nostalgia can be an escape. You may currently be involved with someone that reminds you of a past love or you may run in to a love from the past. Either way, it is important that you encounter the person you are with as an individual, not a shadow. This could potentially become a very serious relationship or a catalyst to healing the past. The choice is yours. 

Images from The Celtic Tarot by Helena Paterson and Courtney Davis, published by Metro Books.



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Emperor (8 of Swords) 

In a primitive sense, trying to control circumstances and people may offer a temporary feeling of safety.  However, with awareness, you will realize that you can only truly control your perception. What you choose to focus your energy on determines the kind of relationship you have with life.  Where you’re currently feeling trapped, you might ask yourself whether you’re directing your energy effectively or relinquishing your power to an excuse, an outside influence, a mindset or a fear. The challenge is not about getting what you want, but in directing how you do this, and then accepting responsibility for the consequences.

Images from the Beautiful Creatures Tarot by J.r. Rivera and Jasmine Becket-Griffith, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.



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Hermit (5 of Pentacles) 

One of the most baffling ironies is that, although we are ultimately alone in this enormous universe, we are at the same time all one: a uni-verse. The feeling of separateness is often the root cause for sadness, anxiety and depression. Your mind can keep you trapped in suffering when you identify yourself too strongly with your body, possessions, relationships and/or status. To become aware of yourself in the context of the whole is to understand your deeper connection to all things, and, eventually, how you fit in. Find personal ways to honor yourself and the world. 

Images from The Fairytale Tarot by Karen Mahoney, Alex Ukolov, and Irena Trísková, published by Magic Realist Press.



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Star (Page of Swords) 

 Self-analysis requires vulnerability and openness to others. As you cultivate deeper relationships, you’ll begin learning more about the unknown aspects in yourself. You need to get out of your head though and into your heart. If you can refrain from the need to be right, you’ll discover the value of being wrong. When an unpleasant situation around the 20th occurs, try to be compassionate rather than judgmental. Remind yourself that this is merely a distraction. Keep focused on a specific goal until you know the bigger picture; too much going in different directions will exhaust your efforts. 

Images from The Celtic Tarot by Helena Paterson and Courtney Davis, published by Metro Books.



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Moon (5 of Cups) 

Loss is an intimate part of life and uncomfortable as it may be, there is always something to be learned from our grief. This is a valuable time to go within for answers. If feelings of regret or sorrow are permeating your mood, it’s time to question what you allow to affect you, and realize that spending too much time brooding over a so-called lost opportunity is costing you. Rather than crying over spilled milk, find the blessin’ in the lesson, and let it go!  The period around the 15th is a great time for contemplation – make a point to acknowledge what you’re grateful for. 

Images from the Beautiful Creatures Tarot by J.r. Rivera and Jasmine Becket-Griffith, published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.



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Magician (6 of Pentacles)  

You’re in a great position to make a financial investment and/or collect on an investment you made last year. The weekend of the 20th is an advantageous time to initiate the first stage of your plans; don’t be surprised if you have some unsolicited support. It’s important that you’ve set the stage for this upcoming venture by the end of the month as this is a window of opportunity that will be closing. Extend your generosity to those in need – this is not the time to be a scrooge! Your charity will be rewarded 10-fold.

Images from The Fairytale Tarot by Karen Mahoney, Alex Ukolov, and Irena Trísková, published by Magic Realist Press.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. 
Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2015 Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com  
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