
September 2015 Tarot Forecast
By Adrienne Abeyta


Aries 001

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Tower (9 of Cups) Even when the walls come crashing down, there’s opportunity to rebuild, and oftentimes even stronger than the original structure. Something you are emotionally attached to will be threatened this month, yet before you set out to save it, consider how losing it could improve your situation. Emotions have the tendency to provoke reactions, and your reaction is often to fight. While patience isn't your forte, courage is. No matter what happens, you can handle it. After the fall, you'll begin to notice people and situations you had previously been unaware of. Watch out for offers that are too good to be true. Even when you’re most afraid, don’t be tempted by pleasures and so-called treasures– all that glitters is not gold. The gift of insight you acquire through this process is the foundation you'll need to rebuild.

Images from the Fey Tarot, by Ricardo Minetti and Mara Aghem, published by Lo Scarabeo.


Taurus 001

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Strength (5 of Swords) Your courage will be tested this month as familiar challenges arise. A situation you’ve been ignoring will present what seems an impossible task. It would be better to refrain from an aggressive posture; yield to this opposition and you’ll find a valuable solution. One that not only avoids upheaval but also promises future stability. Around the 19th, an emotionally charged situation will provoke you to resort to underhanded actions. Beware that this test has serious consequences; respond with integrity rather than indignation and remember that what people do, is a reflection of who they are. For those in a troubled relationship, surrender your pride and look at the issue from the other person’s perspective. You’ll notice that being right is not as important as being loved.

Images from the Universal Tarot, by Roberto De Angelis, published by Lo Scarabeo.


Gemini 001

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Hanged Man (4 of Swords) Although you may feel puzzled by a seemingly impossible situation, suspend your judgment and wait for your feelings to simmer. Planning and plotting will not alleviate your stress, there’s nothing to figure out right now, so give it a rest. Find ways to calm your mind and you’ll realize that the answer to your dilemma was within you all along. This so-called “problem” is actually a blessing in disguise. Resist the urge to go for the easy solution as it’s only a distraction from the stress. Most dilemmas are self-imposed anyway and result from over thinking. Ask yourself what you'd be doing if you weren't thinking all the time. Also, don’t jump at the first opportunity because a much better one is coming your way next month. Patience is your friend.

Images from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, published by Llewellyn Worldwide.


Cancer 001

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World (3 of Pentacles) Life is a collection of endings and beginnings. Just as you believe that you’ve seen the last of something, the experience arises in another context begging you to dig deeper within yourself. Problems, issues, challenges are all opportunities to recognize and refine your talents. Relationships also foster this discovery - even the people you least expect. This month a goal you thought complete will prove unfinished, asking for more of your energy and attention. This time you must approach it from a different angle. Rather than looking at what you’re doing as a means to an end, look at it as a piece of you. Success or completion is not as important as integration. How have you been changed by this process? Add that to the mix - ta da....look what you get. When you involve yourself authentically in your pursuits, the payoff is fulfilling and lifelong.

Images from the Quest Tarot, by Joseph Martin, published by Llewellyn Worldwide.


Leo 001

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Lovers (2 of Wands) A new relationship with a person or situation offers fresh possibilities. Your life’s direction is about to change, and you’ll be faced with choices that will take you outside of your comfort zone. Consider the effect your decision will have on those closest to you. Letting feelings of passion or security influence you too much, may impede your ability to see this clearly. Examine what your motives say about your values and be honest about who you are. It’s not what you do that defines you, but rather why you do it. Sometimes even so-called bad decisions are catalyst's to unexplored territories. Those in a love affair, get ready for a deep conversation. You could be faced with a tough decision so remember to be true to your highest self.

Images from the Fey Tarot, by Ricardo Minetti and Mara Aghem, published by Lo Scarabo.


Vigro 001

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Star (3 of Swords) Your faith will be tested in a rather convoluted way as something or someone you least expect will betray you. On the surface, there is sorrow and frustration, but if you look deeper, you’ll find a glimmer of hope. Hope is not capricious, it's purposeful and must be nurtured. Your desire for a more meaningful life requires you to sacrifice areas of established security. That includes relationships and long held fantasies. Letting go allows you space to receive what you least expect. Hope is the light in your darkness. Now, whether you’re ready or not, those sacrifices are being made for you. The beginning of the month ushers in the first of three tests. Don’t spend too much time worrying about what is lost. Keep an open mind and listen to your heart. While pain might not be an option, suffering is. 

Images from the Universal Tarot, by Roberto De Angelis, published by Lo Scarabeo.


Libra 001

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Magician (King of Wands) A magical month indeed. Take action on your ideas, build your dreams, ask someone out, and pursue your goals. You’re in a position of great influence this month and others know it. Your abilities to persuade, sell, and promote are top notch, so use them! These can be very positive and creative skills when your intention is to help rather than take advantage. You've already got the charm factor down, now focus your attention on what you want to achieve and don’t allow the opinions of others to cloud your judgment. Be intentional and direct, refrain from asking for advise and trust your instincts. Something's about to emerge. Pay close attention to strange coincidences the weekend of the 19th as it might be a window of opportunity.

Images from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, published by Llewellyn Worldwide.


Scorpio 001

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Temperance (7 of Pentacles) Patience is acquired when you respect the natural progression of time, as all things come into being in their appropriate season. Through the awareness of cycles, it is possible to learn the perfect time for movement or retreat. You have an innate awareness of what's developing under the surface, yet your suspicion can often derail your intuition. If you push too hard in any direction, you will interrupt this delicate balance and lose momentum. Feel it out. A project you’re currently working on may seem delayed, but is actually just waiting to be carefully refined. Keep an open mind and see what happens. You may discover that something you discarded last month is actually the missing ingredient. Movement, even when subtle, leads to changes. Keep going but slow down.

Images from the Quest Tarot, by Joseph Martin, published by Llewellyn Worldwide.


Sagittarius 001

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Moon (5 of Pentacles) There is nothing to fear except fear itself – a powerful cliché too often ignored. Fear is a mixture of the unknown and assumed. The brain likes to fill in what is unknown with all sorts of crazy scenarios. Those stories can either make your feel powerless or curious. An unknown territory is just around the corner, and though the temptation may be to turn back, you must venture forward. This month will present inescapable fears and insecurities, most of which are related to finances. Your test is to develop new resources for dealing with these annoyances. Be curious about what is possible. Remember, fear is usually nothing more than an illusory threat. If you have a minor health concern at the beginning of the month it's nothing more than stress, so remain calm and breathe.

Images from the Fey Tarot, by Ricardo Minetti and Mara Aghem, published by Lo Scarabo.


Cappy 001

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High Priestess (2 of Pentacles) You’re experiencing a state of flux this month, and though it feels uncertain, there’s a new cycle emerging. While the ground may feel a little shaky, trust your balance to see you through. You're naturally a pragmatic person so you'll have no problem devising a plan, but before you go solving anything, just wait to see the whole picture. It’s important to align yourself with goals that are most sacred to you. Anything sought for the sake of status or pride will be stripped away. Your concern with the mundane might begin to wane, but don’t worry – your motivation will soon return. Those involved in secret relationships or covert tactics should be careful this month as things have a way of slipping out. Also, this isn’t a great time to make financial investments; if something looks too good to be true, chances are that it is.

Images from the Universal Tarot, by Roberto De Angelis, published by Lo Scarabeo.


Aquarius 001

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Emperor (6 of Wands) You’ll be rewarded for all your hard work; be it at work, with your family, on a project or on yourself. While you’ve recently felt that your efforts went unnoticed, the fruits of your labor have bloomed and those around you want to help you celebrate. What’s most impressive is your commitment and consistent work on your goal. Don’t be ashamed to flaunt this; in fact, be sure that people know how proud you are. There’s nothing better than feeling respected for what you’ve accomplished. In return, be sure that you too are generous with your praise and validation. While it certainly feels good to receive, it's often even better to give. The week of the 21st is a great time to ask for a raise or vacation. If there's no one to ask, then give it to yourself.

Images from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, published by Llewellyn Worldwide.


Pisces 001

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Justice (6 of Swords) While a balanced perspective relies on constructive criticism, your tendency to let other's opinion take precedence over your own leads to a great deal of confusion. While striving for peace this month, consider the opinions of others and notice how they make you feel about yourself. Do they cause you to doubt yourself, feel defensive or defeated? When confronted with someone’s opinion of your character, you can either defend yourself or accept it. It's just an opinion. Although the inclination to personalize is strong, you’ll benefit by noting the messenger. What people think is a stronger reflection of their reality than yours. Steer clear of people you’re not fond of and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. You may need distance this month to sort out your thoughts from feelings. Be mindful of the relationship between the two.  

Images from the Quest Tarot, by Joseph Martin, published by Llewellyn Worldwide.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Refletions is published by the American Tarot Association - 2015  Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com